Autumn Burglaries

6 september 2023 13:45

Could four arrests spell the end for Västerbotten's crime wave?

Could four arrests spell the end for Västerbotten's crime wave?Could four arrests spell the end for Västerbotten's crime wave?
Detained on Tuesday night
5 september 2023 10:34

Rising concern as thieves target construction sites in Skellefteå

Rising concern as thieves target construction sites in SkellefteåRising concern as thieves target construction sites in Skellefteå
Multiple locations hit in Skellefteå”Seeking public help"”
30 augusti 2023 12:05
Västerbottens län

Eye on the Norrland coast: where will burglars strike next?

Eye on the Norrland coast: where will burglars strike next?Eye on the Norrland coast: where will burglars strike next?
More break-ins at weekend "Picture becomes increasingly clear"
25 augusti 2023 16:31

BURGLARIES: Four break-ins in Skellefteå – police issue warning

 BURGLARIES: Four break-ins in Skellefteå – police issue warning BURGLARIES: Four break-ins in Skellefteå – police issue warning
Houses targeted in Skellefteå and Umeå