After a third death, police now start investigation

A third man has been found dead at his home following his shift at Northvolt. In light of this development, Norran can reveal that the police's environmental crimes unit has launched an investigation into the deaths of all three individuals who worked at the battery factory. "With another death emerging, we've opened an investigation," says Johann Kristiansson of the Skellefteå police.

Police will now investigate the three deaths.

Police will now investigate the three deaths.

Foto: Åsa Juthberg/Privat/Victor Svenfeldt

Skellefteå2024-06-20 15:48

On Wednesday, Norran reported on the unexplained deaths (in Swedish) of two young men in Skellefteå that occurred within a little over a month of each other. Mahari Baraki, a 33-year-old father of three, was found dead in his bed in Skellefteå on January 5, the day following his evening shift at Northvolt, where he worked as a cleaner for Sodexo. Maedin Ghidey Embaye, 19 years old, finished his late-night production shift at the battery factory just over a month later. Tragically, he was found dead in his bed at his Skelleftehamn home the following day, February 23.

Hadas Kibrom Woldemariam holds up a photograph from when her now-dead 19-year-old son, Maedin Ghidey Embaye, graduated.

Norran can now reveal that another man has been found dead at his home following his shift at Northvolt. In light of this new development, police have initiated a comprehensive investigation into all three deaths.

Previously, Johann Kristiansson of the Skellefteå police investigated these deaths. However, due to a lack of evidence suggesting foul play, they were classified as non-suspicious and the cases were closed.

"In light of the recent deaths, I felt compelled to take action," says Johann Kristiansson of Skellefteå police.

– With the emergence of another case, we've launched an investigation to determine if there are any links between the deaths, says Kristiansson.

– I will also be contacting the families involved to update them on this development.

The latest case involves a man in his 60s from Skellefteå. He was found deceased on his balcony in early June after returning home from his shift at the battery factory.

– Given the possibility that this third man may have been exposed to something harmful at Northvolt, I have reported the case to the environmental crimes unit in Umeå, he adds.

Johann Kristiansson has told Norran that the police have begun an investigation into the deaths of three men who were employed at the Northvolt site.

The man was reportedly given a ride home by a colleague after work, but they were unable to contact him when they returned to pick him up for the next shift. This prompted the colleague to contact the police, who sadly found the man deceased.

– In light of the previous deaths, I felt compelled to take action. Northvolt, as an employer, has a significant responsibility for workplace safety, especially when concerning such critical issues.

The police investigation will focus on identifying any potential links between the three deceased individuals and determining any substances they may have been exposed to.

Kristiansson acknowledges the complexity of the investigation.

– A certain level of suspicion is necessary to initiate a criminal investigation. We need to determine if there were any overlooked factors that could have contributed to these deaths.

– The environmental crimes unit is diligently working on all three cases and will continue to prioritize a swift and comprehensive investigation.

Mahari Baraki, 33, was found dead under unexplained circumstances on January 5 of this year. His wife, Ksanet Okbay, is now seeking answers about the cause of his death. Mahari is survived by his three children, including his 10-year-old daughter, Eldana.

The Environmental Crimes Unit in Umeå is a regional investigative team specializing in workplace safety violations, environmental crimes, and serious hunting offenses.

– We were brought in about a week ago, explains Johan Stabbfors, group leader and lead investigator for these cases.

– At that time, we received information from the Skellefteå police that they had begun reviewing these deaths.

While similar cases are typically led by prosecutors, the absence of any current suspects necessitates a police-led investigation.

– Currently, we're working with deaths initially classified as non-suspicious. Building a clearer picture is crucial.

– This involves further interviews and gathering more background information on these individuals,  Stabbfors says.

According to Stabbfors, the team is approaching all three cases with an unbiased perspective to ensure a thorough investigation.

– These are treated as separate incidents for now, but we're actively looking for any potential links between the deaths to prevent similar tragedies. However, it's still early in the investigation, and we can't disclose further details at this time.

Are there any similarities between them?

– We're still in the early stages of the investigation, says Stabbfors.

– While we haven't identified any definitive links yet, we will take investigative measures and talk to individuals connected to this and continue to investigate the circumstances of these cases.

Do you see any connection to the workplace?

– We are taking a broad overview and must consider everything because we don't know enough yet.

He says that at this stage, it's too early to say if there are indications that the two previously deceased individuals may also have been exposed to something in the work environment.

– We need to examine all of these and see if we can identify any connections, but we want to refrain from commenting further until we know more definitively and have concrete information.

How common is it for three people to die within a short period and be linked to a workplace?

– It's hard to say because it may not always be noticed. Normally, they are handled individually, and connections are not made. Here, however, it has been noticed, and that's why we have started looking into it. It's not common in any case.

– Finding deceased individuals in their homes doesn't necessarily involve a crime but could be due to illness, he continues.

– But with three cases in a short time linked to the workplace – that's what has been flagged to us, but we are approaching it with an open mind and broad perspective. The most important thing is to determine what it could be. It could also just be a coincidence.

Do you have any suspicions of crime at this time?

– We have opened the cases to investigate them but currently have no concrete connections.

Autopsies have been conducted. Could there be additional medical investigations into the deaths?

– We will look into that and see if there is a need for further medical examinations.

– What we need to do is find out what they could have been exposed to. We are approaching the connection without assumptions, but it's about whether they were exposed to any substances and investigating what those substances are and what impact they may have had.

Will you visit Northvolt as part of the investigation?

– As for the investigation itself, we are currently discussing our approach and determining what steps we will take. It involves deciding on methods, and then we will see how we proceed.

Have you been in contact with Northvolt and Sodexo?

– I know that investigators have been in contact with Sodexo but not yet with Northvolt. We will continue trying to establish contact with Northvolt throughout the day.

How did Sodexo react?

– I believe Sodexo took it seriously. The most important thing is to get to the bottom of what is happening – whether it is a coincidence or not. And if there are any risks, it's crucial to eliminate them.

Generally, when it comes to workplace safety crimes, they look at the employer's responsibility regarding the work environment, he explains.

– I can't comment specifically on this case, but generally, when a workplace accident happens, we look at whether there is a causal link between the accident and the employer's responsibility, as employers have a duty to prevent ill health and accidents in the workplace.

In such cases, they examine whether there is any connection and whether there has been a failure to prevent such an incident, he continues.

– These sorts of crimes differ significantly from other crimes because they are based on negligence rather than intent. It involves not assessing risks or not doing enough to prevent something from happening.

If deficiencies are found or if risks were not prevented and this is sufficient to constitute criminal negligence, it can result in a corporate fine, which is the most common consequence, he continues. But imprisonment is an option in all crimes.

– There is also personal responsibility if someone in the organization was in a position to influence the situation but failed to take action, he says.

Eva Kristensson, communications manager at Sodexo, tells Norran, "If despite following all regulations there are suspicions that something in the work environment is behind the deaths, it is obviously very important that it be investigated."

Eva Kristensson, Sodexo's communications manager, informed Norran via email that they are aware of the police investigation concerning the man who previously worked as a cleaner for them at Northvolt.

"If, despite following all regulations, there are suspicions that something in the work environment may be linked to these deaths, a thorough investigation is obviously crucial," she wrote in the email.

Kristensson explained that since they had no prior reason to suspect a workplace connection, they hadn't reported anything to Arbetsmiljöverket (the Swedish Work Environment Authority). Additionally, they haven't made any changes to the work environment following the death of Mahari Baraki.

"In the absence of any established link to the workplace, we've continued to operate according to existing workplace regulations and protocols," she clarified.

"In Maedin's case, after our own and the police's initial investigations, we have not been able to find anything that indicates a connection to the work," says Matti Kataja, director of communications and public relations in the Nordics at Northvolt.

In an email to Norran, Matti Kataja, Northvolt's head of communications and public relations for the Nordic region addressed the recent developments.

"The police initially investigated these cases separately and concluded there was no connection to the workplace," he wrote. "Following Norran's reports, we understand they're re-investigating the cases, hopefully to quell speculation. We welcome this and will fully cooperate."

He confirmed contact with the police and their ongoing assistance in the investigation.

"There are currently no suspicions of offences," he clarified.

Northvolt emphasizes its responsibility for employee well-being and work environments. 

"We continuously collaborate with union and safety representatives to ensure a positive work environment for our employees," he stated.

"In the case of Maedin," he continued, "neither our investigation nor the initial police investigation identified any work-related link. Therefore, there were no reportable findings according to Arbetsmiljöverket regulations."

Northvolt acknowledged the recent death of a third worker and the police looking into the possibility of something being ingested at Northvolt.

"Our understanding is that this is based on a single verbal statement, not the medical examination," he explained. "The police will investigate its validity. They have assured us that no exposure has been confirmed, but they are conducting a thorough investigation, which we welcome to dispel speculation."

He reiterated that the death occurred at home, and with no established work connection, there's nothing to report to Arbetsmiljöverket. Northvolt also conducted its own investigation with no indication of exposure.

"Regarding changes to the work environment," he responded, "we have well-defined rules and guidelines for work procedures and required protective equipment in all production areas. Since no connection to the workplace environment has been established, we've continued to operate according to our existing strict routines and regulations."

Norran has previously published several articles examining the work environment at Northvolt. These articles reported employee experiences of eye problems and cleaners working in hazardous areas without proper safety training