
26 oktober 2023 12:49

Shrouded in mystery: local residents alarmed by giant cloud

Shrouded in mystery: local residents alarmed by giant cloud Shrouded in mystery: local residents alarmed by giant cloud
"Something moving in the atmosphere, but we don't know what"Many contact Norran
13 september 2023 10:20

Sweden's plastic bag tax cut met with disapproval

Sweden's plastic bag tax cut met with disapprovalSweden's plastic bag tax cut met with disapproval
6 april 2023 13:53

High levels of dangerous dust in the center of Skellefteå

High levels of dangerous dust in the center of SkellefteåHigh levels of dangerous dust in the center of Skellefteå
The air is "very unhealthy"Worst possible level according to scale
14 mars 2023 16:33

Wind farm planned off the coast of Skellefteå

Wind farm planned off the coast of SkellefteåWind farm planned off the coast of Skellefteå
Many queries from the municipality"Has to be two kilometers between them?"