Kulturen får pengar i Malå

Flera föreningar ville ha stöd till sina verksamheter, men många fick prutas ned.

FILE - In this April 30, 2011 file photo, a member of the Savoy Music Center of Eunice Saturday Cajun Jam plays the accordion at the Louisiana Jazz and Heritage Festival in New Orleans. April marks the start of spring festival season in south Louisiana. As the revelry of Mardi Gras and chill of winter end, spring festivals usher in the flip-flops, floppy hats and folding chairs toted by music lovers from across the globe. French Quarter Festival and Jazz Fest in New Orleans, and Festival International de Louisiana in Lafayette, La., are all held in April. Other Louisiana festivals held in spring and summer include Bayou Country Superfest in May, New Orleans Cajun-Zydeco Festival in June, Essence Music Festival in July and Satchmo Summerfest in August. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File)

FILE - In this April 30, 2011 file photo, a member of the Savoy Music Center of Eunice Saturday Cajun Jam plays the accordion at the Louisiana Jazz and Heritage Festival in New Orleans. April marks the start of spring festival season in south Louisiana. As the revelry of Mardi Gras and chill of winter end, spring festivals usher in the flip-flops, floppy hats and folding chairs toted by music lovers from across the globe. French Quarter Festival and Jazz Fest in New Orleans, and Festival International de Louisiana in Lafayette, La., are all held in April. Other Louisiana festivals held in spring and summer include Bayou Country Superfest in May, New Orleans Cajun-Zydeco Festival in June, Essence Music Festival in July and Satchmo Summerfest in August. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File)

Foto: Foto: Britta Stenberg

Samhälle och välfärd2014-05-16 14:50

Det kulturbidrag som Malå kommun ger föreningarna att söka pengar ur, ska delas mellan flera.

I år fanns fem sökanden på listan.

Anslaget som Malå kommun avsatt till allmän kulturverksamhet är 140 000 kronor. Alla ansökningarna bidrar, enligt kultur- och fritidsnämnden, till ett rikt kulturutbud i Malå. Följande föreningar har erhållit bidrag:

- Malå Dragspelsklubb får 7 500 kronor till spelmansstämma.

- Malå Folkdanslag beviljas 4 000 kronor för anordnande av vår- och höstkafé.

- Malå Teaterförening tilldelas 35 000 kronor för arrangerande av teaterföreställningar.

- Malåbygdens Kulturförening tilldelas 65 000 kronor för egen verksamhet och samarbete med föreningar i marknadsföring.

- Malå Hembygdsförening får 20 000 kronor för nationaldagsfirande och sommarverksamhet.

FILE - In this April 30, 2011 file photo, a member of the Savoy Music Center of Eunice Saturday Cajun Jam plays the accordion at the Louisiana Jazz and Heritage Festival in New Orleans. April marks the start of spring festival season in south Louisiana. As the revelry of Mardi Gras and chill of winter end, spring festivals usher in the flip-flops, floppy hats and folding chairs toted by music lovers from across the globe. French Quarter Festival and Jazz Fest in New Orleans, and Festival International de Louisiana in Lafayette, La., are all held in April. Other Louisiana festivals held in spring and summer include Bayou Country Superfest in May, New Orleans Cajun-Zydeco Festival in June, Essence Music Festival in July and Satchmo Summerfest in August. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File)
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