We love to travel, so at Easter we decided to explore other countries in Europe.
Europe has so many beautiful places to visit, and we had a huge list. We decided to visit a place where we had family. My husband’s cousin lived with his family in Denmark, so we went there.
When we started looking for tickets, it became clear we had to take a flight to Stockholm even to travel to nearby cities. This is a major drawback to life in Skellefteå. There were hardly any flights to other cities, either in Sweden or elsewhere. The flight from Stockholm to Copenhagen was less than an hour, but the wait at the airport was longer than the flight due to scheduling differences.
However, there was ample space for parking vehicles at the airport. We were surprised to learn that the airport had free parking, irrespective of the duration.
Copenhagen was beautiful. After enjoying the canal tours and churros, we drove to Berlin for Easter. We learnt about the rich history of the city and enjoyed the cosmopolitan vibe. We were delighted to discover a variety of Indian restaurants in the city, something we had missed in Skellefteå. We made sure to indulge our appetites with our favorite dishes.
To my surprise, when we returned to Skellefteå, it was still snowing. We were shocked to find our car covered in snow at the airport. Thankfully, we had taken the dealer's advice and equipped the vehicle with a shovel and other tools. After an hour, we finally managed to extricate the car.
As we were in the last weeks of winter, we wanted to go skiing. Though Fritidsbanken usually has a huge collection of sports gear options, we didn’t find any suitable ski gear. Guess everyone wanted to make use of the remaining winter days just like us. But they still had a lot of other options for summer sports and indoor activities.
We had heard from many people about how beautiful spring and especially summer would be at Skellefteå. But there was something else exciting that we had wanted to do before the end of the winter, and that was to watch a Skellefteå AIK hockey match.
The home team was in the semi-finals of the Swedish championship, and the demand for tickets was high. I had my fingers crossed we could get tickets and see at least one game of the series!
This is a column and the views are the author's own.
This column was originally published at Norran English, the English part of Norran.se.