"What's that big, shiny yellow thing in the sky?"

Nicola Foleher has some welcome news for recent newcomers – summer's here!

Yes, those yellow things are flowers!

Yes, those yellow things are flowers!

Foto: Sergey Shmidt on Unsplash

Engelska2024-05-27 09:00
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Did you arrive in Skellefteå this winter?

If so, then you have just experienced one of the craziest, longest winters that even many Swedes have experienced here in many years. 

You made it through the days of teeth-chattering, eyeball-freezing, - 40 degrees temperatures. You fought and shovelled your way through more snow than Santa himself has ever seen.

And now, suddenly, in the blink of an eye, all the white stuff has just about disappeared, and the grass is turning green and daffodils are in bloom. And what's that big, shiny yellow thing in the sky? What the heck ?

If you arrived this winter you would be totally forgiven for thinking you have moved to somewhere where the days pass in a monotone palette of snow, snow and more snow. But now you’ve been given a teeny glimpse of what’s to come.

The landscape is about to change beyond recognition, from white, icy vistas to glorious green landscapes popping with wild flowers in yellows, purples and pinks. 

Suddenly, what you thought were stretches of flat snowy fields lying between icing sugar forests transform into glittering lakes of beautiful blue water. You’ll most likely be swimming in them sooner or later.

A lazy summer's day on the river.

You're also about to see some of the most stunning beaches too, easily comparable with the white sands and turquoise seas from any travel magazine. The water gets surprisingly warm, considering that for the last few months the waves have been trapped beneath thick layers of ice.

Little cafés and loppis are also about to spring up, offering delicious prawn sandwiches (a speciality up here), tantalising ice creams and cakes and many bargains for those shoppers out there who love a good find in little treasure troves.

One of my favorite summer activities, shared with one of my daughters, is cruising through charming Swedish villages. We keep our eyes peeled for those little "loppis" signs peeking out from people's gardens. These hidden gems have unearthed some fantastic treasures! From quirky retro Garfield telephone handsets to beautiful picture frames and hand-carved wooden spoons, our loppis hunts have yielded some truly unique finds.

Newcomers, buckle up! You're about to experience a whole new side of Skellefteå, one that's utterly and delightfully wonderful.

This is a column and the views are the author's own. It was originally published att norran.se/english, the English part of norran.se.