"Bonfire blazes, cherry blossom, and SHL glory"

Indian newcomer Sushma Sriram experiences a vibrant Swedish seasonal celebration of spring and community spirit.

Johan Nilsson / TT, Anton Swärdhagen and Johanna Salo

Johan Nilsson / TT, Anton Swärdhagen and Johanna Salo

Foto: Johan Nilsson / TT, Anton Swärdhagen and Johanna Salo

Engelska2024-11-18 09:00
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The entire city was celebrating Skellefteå AIK lifting the SHL trophy for the third time. The celebrations intensified as it was time for the Walpurgis festival in Sweden. This Swedish festival is celebrated on April 30 every year. I was excited to finally bid farewell to the long winter and officially welcome the spring. Originally celebrated to ward off evil spirits, this festival had evolved into a community bonfire night.

In Skellefteå, we had the pleasure of experiencing a festival spread across the city, offering a variety of events for everyone. Beyond being a family-friendly celebration, it was a unifying moment for the entire community. We joined the festivities at the largest bonfire near Bonnstan, a heartwarming sight similar to the Christmas market the previous December.

A choir group serenaded the crowd with spring songs, setting the tone for the evening. As dusk fell, a colossal bonfire was ignited, drawing people together to bask in its warmth and sing in unison. The atmosphere was electric, filled with music, food, and a palpable sense of community spirit. With the following day being May Day, a holiday to celebrate the rights and contributions of workers in Sweden, the party extended well. 

Walpurgis and the month of May ushered in hope for warmer days and brighter times. As the days lengthened, the lingering snow began to melt away. The once-monochrome landscape was starting to pop with colour. It was like Skellefteå was slowly bursting into life.

Cherry blossom, April 30, 2024.

But we were eager to experience the spring bloom of Sweden’s capital, Stockholm, so we embarked on a road trip. The journey itself was delightful, with scenic routes and charming towns dotting the landscape. It ignited a desire to explore the entirety of Sweden by car.

Stockholm had everything you would expect from a capital city. We immersed ourselves in the city's rich history and iconic landmarks. Stockholm's cosmopolitan atmosphere, with its diverse shops and restaurants, catered to a global audience.

A highlight of our trip was witnessing the stunning cherry blossoms. While we cherished our spring experience in Stockholm, we eagerly anticipated the summer months in Skellefteå. 

We had heard from many friends about how beautiful Skellefteå is in summer, and we were curious to see it ourselves.

This is a column. The views are the writer's own. This column was originally published at norran.se/english, the English part of norran.se.