Big rainstorms expected - lots of rain in one day

An extensive low-pressure system is expected to bring large amounts of rain over Västerbotten in the coming days, VK reports.

Heavy rainfall is expected during the week in the county.

Heavy rainfall is expected during the week in the county.

Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT

Västerbottens län2023-07-31 11:29

– It is not unusual for large amounts of rain to fall in a short period of time, Emelie Karlsson, meteorologist at SMHI in Norrköping, tells VK

– There are often very large local differences in rainfall and the consequences that rain can have, she says.

The heaviest rainfall is expected on Wednesday. Large parts of the county will receive 24-28 millimeters in one day.

According to Karlsson, several low-pressure systems from the Atlantic are moving over Sweden and further up over Norrland.

– It is more difficult to forecast in the summer than in the winter. With regard to the current weather situation, with elements of thunderstorms, there will therefore be large local variations in where the largest amounts of rain will fall.

At the moment, there is no indication that SMHI will issue any kind of warning.

– But we will have to keep an eye on this, says Karlsson.

The rest of the week is expected to be classic Swedish summer weather, with sunshine interspersed with showers.

However, according to the latest forecast, a new rainstorm could move across the county from Sunday afternoon.