Live: The aftermath of the massive snowstrom

The storm is over but snow still falling in parts of Skellefteå kommun. Norran will continue to report live.

Many villagers cannot get out of their driveways.

Many villagers cannot get out of their driveways.

Foto: Paul Connolly

Västerbotten2023-11-28 08:36

Update: 15:55: The company's CEO, Marie Larsson, said the Skellefteå Buss  incident was due to unpredictable road conditions rather than the speed of the bus.

– It wasn't going fast into the roundabout, although you might think it was. It was black ice, she said.

According to Larsson, this is a problem in different parts of the community.

– The road surface is different in different places. Sometimes it's black ice, sometimes it's typical winter conditions, and sometimes it suddenly gets very bumpy.

The company has discussed with its drivers how quickly road conditions can change.

– As a driver, you have to be extremely aware of how quickly it can change.

There were no passengers on board when the bus became stuck because it was not in service at the time. It was later towed away and is now back with Skellefteå Buss.

Update: 12:58: A traffic accident occurred at the Bergsby Roundabout on Järnvägsleden on Monday morning. A bus belonging to Skellefteå Buss drove directly into the roundabout but no injuried have been reported.

There are no reports of personal injuries or that the rescue services have been alerted to the scene.

Update: 16:20: The power outage that has affected Skelleftehamn during the day should now be resolved, according to Skellefteå Kraft's operational map.

Update: 15:20: Today's road conditions: "Very challenging in several places." 

Roads in Skellefteå. Red roads are in worst condition after the blizzard.

Trafikverket warns of challenging road conditions in several places. The red roads are in the worst condition.

Update: 15:01: Snow removal: "Everyone wants to be prioritized now."

– Today we have 80 units out clearing snow, says Jan Burlin, operations manager for roads and streets in Skellefteå municipality.

– They've been out since 3:00 in the morning and are doing their best. I saw on the snow gauge that we've had 82 centimeters of snow.

Snowplows are out in the city.

– I think they are done plowing downtown by now.

He continues:

– I think it's quite a challenging job at the moment.

Trucks take the snow to Solbacken.

What is your plan for today?

– I don't know. It's the machine operators who know, and they're hard to reach. That shows how much work there is.

He continues:

– On days like this, everyone wants to be a priority. Skellefteå buses, home care services, everyone wants the snow cleared. But we can't prioritize.

Have you brought in extra resources?

– We have tried. But almost all the resources are already taken by the private sector. We received an offer this morning, which we accepted quite quickly, so we now have a few extra units on the road.

– There will also be a full crew tomorrow, says Burlin.

– Then we will be plowing intersections. And the plowing will continue for another week or so. It will start in the downtown area and work its way out. It may be necessary to plow the city this weekend as well, says Burlin.

How are you affected by the bad weather? Do you have any tips? Or pictures? Contact us by email ( or phone (0910-57800).

Update: 13:20: There is a power outage currently occurring in Skelleftehamn. A total of 87 customers are affected, as announced by Skellefteå Kraft. The outage occurred at 10:34, and technicians are on their way to address the issue.

Update: 22:20: Earlier today, Mikaela and Alexander Ångman were on their way to the maternity ward in Skellefteå when they suddenly got stuck in a traffic jam. They couldn't move, and Mikaela ended up giving birth in the car. "Just as the ambulance arrived, I saw a bit of the baby's head," said dad Alexander. @@Update: 21:10: Skellefteå Buss has announced that they expect to be able to run the school buses as usual tomorrow. They will inspect the routes ahead of tomorrow's runs, and if any trips need to be cancelled, they will make an announcement in the morning.

A Norran reader reports that only one lane is passable on E4 between Skellefteå and Kåge. The other lane has at least 10 cm of snow on it in both directions.

Many trucks in Skellefteå having problems.

Trafikverket: "Many trucks have come to a halt in and around Skellefteå."

Update: 18:40: Trafikverket no longer warns of issues on the E4 at Tjärn, but Norran reader Pär Lindström reports that there are still significant traffic disruptions. He writes, "Very long queues." The reason for the problems is a truck blocking the road.

Update: 18:20: The stalled truck near Tjärn on the E4 is causing major problems for northbound traffic. As reported to Norran, one person has been stuck for more than an hour and a half.

There are massive queues and people in the tailback are trying to help the driver get out, including bringing snow chains.

If you have been affected by the weather or have any tips, pictures or information to share, please contact us by email ( or phone (0910-57800). 

Update: 16:30: The snowfall continues to cause problems for public transportation in Skellefteå municipality, although the situation is gradually improving. Here's the current situation:

Regional transport to outlying areas:

Route 219: The 16:20 departure (Gummark) is cancelled.
Route 220: The last bus from the city is at 16:10 and the last one from Örviken is at 15:40, so two services are canceled.
All other regional routes will run as scheduled.

City traffic:

Routes 2 and 3 continue to run as they did earlier in the day, i.e. route 2 serves the Centrum-Skelleftehamn section (both directions) and route 3 serves the Mekanvägen-Centrum section (both directions).

As far as routes 1 and 4 are concerned, road maintenance has not been able to clear some areas, so these routes  will not run on Wednesday as there is a risk of buses getting stuck.

Full service on Thursday:

As things stand now, all public transportation routes are expected to be in service early Thursday morning, assuming snow removal is completed on all road segments.

The airport bus service is on schedule.

Skellefteå Buss has said most routes should be back to normal on Thursday.

The weather has also caused problems at Northvolt. Sanna Bäckström, a communicator at Northvolt Ett, says that there has been intensive work to clear the snow.

– It has mainly been a matter of keeping the areas around the parking lots free of snow, but also within the premises around buildings and walkways, she says.

Like other companies, some employees had trouble getting to work.

– It has gone quite well for our employees, although it has obviously been a challenge for many, says Bäckström.

On Wednesday, the roof of a storage tent at the Northvolt site collapsed.

– It's a temporary storage tent where, among other things, cables and other materials are stored.

How big is the tent?

– I don't know exactly, but it's not one of our largest tents.

No one was injured in the collapse.

– There was nobody in or near the tent, says Bäckström.

Update: 15:40: Buses within Länstrafiken are not running as usual, according to Nina Lindberg, communications manager.

–  We have a lot of disruptions, especially along the coast and in regional traffic between Umeå and Skellefteå, including all the smaller routes, she says.

Several services have been cancelled due to road conditions, but she says the situation is gradually improving.

Services have been badly affected.

Passengers can keep an eye on the trip planner in "Ta bussen" and she says that customer service is updating the information there.

– But today has been hectic, so we are trying to provide the most up-to-date information as quickly as possible.

The 13:20 bus from Umeå to Skellefteå has been cancelled and there have been other problems.

– It's due to road conditions and the speed of snow removal on the E4. In addition, there have been problems with many shorter routes, such as between Skellefteå and Ragvaldsträsk, she explains.

– They run as fast as they can, but when there is heavy traffic, there are delays. For example, if a car gets stuck, there are queues.

Update: 15:20: All mail delivery in Skellefteå is suspended today, PostNord announces.

– Due to the weather conditions, we have stopped all mail delivery in Skellefteå today, Wednesday, says Henrik Ishihara from PostNord's press service.

They hope to resume deliveries on Thursday.

Postnord has suspended deliveries.

– It's for safety reasons; we can't reach the destinations with our vehicles. We hope that the weather will allow us to resume deliveries as soon as possible.

Saturday and Sunday will be used to catch up on mail and package delivery.

– Weather permitting.

– We are also exploring the possibility of sending first-class Varubrev (merchandise letters) directly to agents, says Ishihara.

– We are doing this so that recipients can receive them on time. We can handle some home deliveries of packages, but it depends on the vehicles we have.

Update: 14:25: According to Christoffer Wadén, production manager at Skellefteå Buss, bus travel remains a challenge in many places.

– There is drifting snow which hasn't been plowed, especially at turning points, so we can't get to where we need to be, he says around 14:00.

As a result, Skellefteå Buss continues to operate only route 2 between the city center and Skelleftehamn, and route 3 between the city center and Mekanvägen.

Those services resumed their operations sometime between 10 and 11 Wednesday morning.

– They will continue to run according to schedule until further notice. We are not running the remaining city bus lines at the moment. It's more difficult in Skellefteå because of the snow clearing, and we can't reach all areas safely, he continues.

There are a few bus routes still running.

– It's for safety and accessibility reasons, and we've had to prioritize where we can safely operate vehicles.

Regional services began around 7:00, although there may have been problems on some routes.

– We will cancel route 220 to Örviken later today. The last departure will be at 16:10 from Skellefteå, and then after that we will cancel two services. This way we can get children and others who have come to work and school back home, says Wadén.

Otherwise, all buses in the region will run as scheduled. Although there are delays and the occasional cancelled service, all in all things are going well, according to Wadén. The airport bus is also running on schedule throughout the day.

– I think the drivers have done an incredible job. There have been no incidents that I'm aware of. All in all, and given the circumstances, it has gone incredibly well, he concludes.

Update: 14:05: Difficult conditions remain on most roads in the region, warns Trafikverket. There are problems such as blowing and swirling snow, strong winds, slippery surfaces, and snowdrifts on most roads.

Roads in red all difficult to drive.

Traffic on the E4 between Laxbacken and Sikeå in both directions is affected by a stationary truck on the road, according to Trafikverket.

–There is a lot of snow in Mjövattnet; soon I won't be able to see out, writes Norran reader Görgen Stenmark.

Heavy snow in Mjövattnet.

Update: 13:00: There are still bus disruptions, but some routes are running. Here's an image from downtown Skellefteå.

Bus in the cty center.

The bridge at the dam in Medle should be avoided. According to Trafikverket, a truck is blocking the road.

Medle bridge blocked.

Update: 12:10: At 12:00 the yellow weather warning for the Norrland coast has expired. This means that there is no longer a weather warning in effect for Skellefteå.

Niklas Einevik, meteorologist at SMHI, says that the most intense snowfall is over.

– The most intense snowfall is over for now. But it will continue to snow during the day. The snow will be intense until the afternoon, and then it will start to decrease. But it will continue to snow later in the week, albeit in smaller amounts, he says.

He mentions that there won't be any new weather warnings for the Skellefteå area, although heavy snowfall is expected to continue in the afternoon.

– The snowfall and the wind are decreasing; it will calm down.

It's difficult to determine the exact amount of snow that has fallen, according to Einevik.

– Around Umeå, the snow depth has increased by about 30 centimeters in the last day, and similar amounts of snow have probably fallen in other places. But it's hard to say exactly how much. The snow is being blown around, which makes it difficult to measure.

Update: 11:40: Videos and images from Norran English's Paul Connolly, 30kms south of Burträsk.

Many villagers cannot get out of their driveways.
Cars stuck in snowdrifts.
It looks pretty, but the snow is still falling hard.

Update: 11:20: The amount of precipitation in the last 24 hours has made it on to the record list in Umeå.

– It hasn't snowed or rained this much in November since 1948, says Sverker Hellström at SMHI, as reported by Västerbottens-Kuriren.

Update: 10:25 The municipality is struggling with snow removal. 

Snow ploughs have been busy.

– It's very difficult, says Jan Burlin, operations manager for roads and streets at Skellefteå municipality.

Everyone who can - about 80 drivers - has been working around the municipality since early this morning.

–The first people started working between three and four this morning. But even some of us had problems getting to work, so some could only start driving at half past five, says Burlin.

He says the large amount of snow combined with the wind makes it difficult to plow and shovel.

– It's super awkward, and the wind adds to it. A road that is cleared can quickly drift again, Burlin says.

The municipality is now focusing on making the main roads passable.

– We have some priority roads and areas, so we are taking those first.

He says the large amounts of snow will take more than a week to clear.

– There will be single lane roads, and it may take a while to clear all the sidewalks and bike paths. It will take more than a week to get back to normal, Burlin says.

Update: 09:55: Norran's car park this morning.

Norran car buried in snow.

Update: 09:50: Skellefteå Buss have posted some news on Facebook:

"At Skellefteå Buss regional traffic, all routes are now in operation, except for route 225 (Burträsk via Skråmträsk).

In city traffic, routes 2 and 3 will start at 09:45. However, route 2 will only operate between Centrum-Skelleftehamn (both directions), and route 3 will only operate between Mekanvägen-Centrum (both directions). This limitation will continue until good road conditions can be ensured for the entire routes. We will provide updates when we can resume the full routes.

Airport buses continue to operate according to schedule."

Update: 09:45: Students in grades 8 and 9 at Bureskolan are being sent home. The reason is a shortage of teachers, according to principal, Nina Thunebro.

– Some teachers have not been able to make it to work, she says.

Students who are sent home are given homework to work on during the day.

Eighth- and ninth-grade students who made it to school and cannot make it home will have the option of staying.

– We're going to make sure they can stay in school. Students should be able to work on their assignments and have lunch, says Thunebro.

Other students at the school, in grades F-7, will have a regular school day, according to the plan.

– The teachers who are at the school will help cover the classes in those grades, says Thunebro.

All school buses in the community have already been canceled.

Update: 09:35: Both Bygdsiljum and Lövånger are on SMHI's top ten list of places with the most snow in Sweden.

Towns with most snowfall, November 28/29, 2023

At 07:00 both Bygdsiljum and Lövånger had 61 centimeters of snow.

Update: 09:25: Road closed. Traffic towards Rönnskär on road 372 at the Skellefteå junction is affected by the recovery of a truck, according to Trafikverket. The road is completely closed and Trafikverket estimates that traffic will be affected until 10:00.

Many bus routes are canceled, but since 07:00, the following lines have been in operation:

• Route 205 from Boliden • Route 210 from Byske • Route 207 from Bureå

Update: 09:21: Video from Älvsbacka earlier this morning. The clip was filmed on Storgatan between Manhemsgatan and Varvsgatan at 07:50. Norran reader Anki Vincent submitted the clip.

Update: 08:00 Last night, significant amounts of snow fell, causing issues with the morning traffic. Norran has received reports of vehicles getting stuck in various locations around Skellefteå. As previously advised, people are urged to exercise caution in traffic and only venture out on the roads if absolutely necessary.

Skeppargatan in town this morning.

Update 23:00: Obstruction on the E4 at the Granbergets rest area in Robertsfors "no longer a problem."

Update 21:05: At 20:46, a report came in about an obstruction on the E4 at the Granbergets rest area in Robertsfors municipality. "According to the caller, a trailer is blocking the road," says an SOS operator. According to the report, it's the northbound lane of the E4 that's blocked. "Four units from the fire department are on their way to the scene."

Update 19:40: According to Christopher Greenland, a meteorologist at SMHI, the worst of the storm is now during the late afternoon and early evening.

– The climax is being reached around now, he says.

The storm is then expected to continue during the evening, night and tomorrow. For the area between Skellefteå and Umeå, an orange weather warning applies until 07:00 on Wednesday morning. 

When that warning ceases to apply, a yellow warning for snowfall will be in place, valid until 12 noon on Wednesday.

Could any of the warnings be extended?

– It may very well be that some warning may need to be extended. At the moment, no warning has been extended, says Greenland.

Update 18:50: The municipality has now had a discussion with the education department and Skellefteå Buss.

– All school activities will continue as usual tomorrow. However, school bus services will be cancelled, says Agnetha Boström, press officer for Skellefteå Municipality.

– School transport by taxi will continue as usual, except in Lövånger, Bygdsiljum and Burträsk. The road conditions there are particularly difficult. We must be able to guarantee safe transport to and from school.

She continues:

– Skellefteå is a large municipality and the weather conditions vary in different areas. We understand that some students may have difficulties in getting to school.

Why not cancel the school day?

– School is incredibly important. We don't see any reason to close schools because only a certain percentage of students need school transportation.

Boström mentions that perhaps one tenth of the students are affected by the school bus cancellations.

– We hope that many of them can find alternative ways to get to school now that we are facing exceptional circumstances.

Update 17:10: Due to the weather conditions and limited accessibility, no hockey buses will be running to tonight's game at Skellefteå Kraft Arena.

More information about disruptions in public transportation will be provided later, as announced by Skellefteå Buss.

Update 17:00: Beisi Sundin, press officer at Trafikverket, comments on Wednesday's weather situation as follows:

– Prior to Tuesday, we brought in all the resources we have, and they will also be in use on Wednesday, she says, and continues:

– As far as we know, the weather is expected to be worse inland on Wednesday. Trafikverket is constantly monitoring SMHI's forecast and is able to move resources to where they are most needed.

– If you need to travel on the roads, the best thing to do is to stay on the main roads and then drive very carefully. Maintaining safe distances is critical because visibility can be very poor, she says.

On Tuesday afternoon, Trafikverket issued an updated forecast:

– If we are to believe the current forecasts, another 20-35 centimetres of snow in combination with strong winds is likely in the next 24 hours.

Southern area of Skellefteå:
Snow removal and anti-icing operations are continuing without interruption. Road conditions remain difficult with both slippery roads and drifting snow. Heavy precipitation and strong winds continue along the entire coastline, extending inland. Additional resources remain in place and will continue to be deployed throughout the evening and night. There have been no major accidents so far.

Umeå northern area:
Snow removal and anti-icing operations are continuing without interruption. Road conditions remain difficult with both slippery roads and drifting snow. Heavy precipitation and strong winds continue along the entire coastline, extending inland. Extra resources are still being deployed and will continue throughout the evening and night. There have been no major accidents yet and traffic is lighter than yesterday.

Southern area of Umeå:
Snow removal and anti-icing operations are continuing without interruption. Road conditions remain difficult with both slippery roads and drifting snow. Heavy precipitation in the northern parts of the service area and small amounts in the western and southern parts. However, the precipitation area seems to be moving further south between Nordmaling and the Y-län county border. Extra resources are still in use and will continue to be used during the evening and night. No major accidents yet.

Are you affected by the bad weather? Do you have any news, videos or photos? Get in touch with us via email ( ) or phone (0910-57800).

Update 16:25: Skellefteå municipality had 25-35 vehicles out plowing today, but now the drivers need to go home and get some rest.

– Some of them have been on the road since last night. They will continue at 03:00 tomorrow morning, says Jan Burlin, manager of roads and streets.

The plan is to expand to more than 80 vehicles. The reason they are not all out is that the inland areas have has less snow.

There won't be any plowing on municipal roads in the evening. However, they are standing by in case any bus routes get snowed in or emergency vehicles need access.

– The coast is the big problem. They also started plowing there last night, for example in Bureå.

How do you plan for the future? It's going to keep snowing.

– I think people should stay home and maybe clear their driveways. Those who can work from home should do so. Some will have to go out, but at least there will be less traffic and less risk of accidents, he says.

Update 16:00:

Tonight Skellefteå AIK will play Färjestad in the SHL. Färjestad have chartered a plane, which according to the flight tracking site Flightradar24, should have landed at Skellefteå airport some time ago.

However, the plane did not land in Skellefteå, but continued flying north. It is therefore likely that the plane is planning to land in Luleå instead.

Färjestad hockey team heading north east!

Update 15:20: Börje Lövling is about to dump his last load of snow for the day. He drove a truck during the day and tipped all the snow at the municipal dump.

– We'll do it again tomorrow. The job went well today, but there is a lot of snow and the roads are challenging, he says.

The focus is on removing snow from the center of Skellefteå, he adds.

– We have a basic plan for how we work. We've cleared a lot of the city center today; the central area is pretty much all you can get done in one day.

According to SMHI, the snow will continue to fall throughout the evening.

Many cars face problems in this weather, says Lövling.

– There are problems with visibility, the windshield wipers turn to ice, and the roads are slippery. It becomes difficult.

Update 15:15: Trains between Stockholm and Norrland have been delayed and cancelled because of snow. At Stockholm Central Station, the 12:21 train to Umeå was delayed for more than two hours before finally departing at 14:25.

The reason for the delay was the snowstorm around Uppsala, where SMHI had issued a yellow warning.

The inbound train from Umeå to Stockholm was also significantly delayed.

Trains have also been canceled. A passenger told Norran's reporter that a train that was supposed to leave Umeå at 11:00 never left. In addition, the 14:21 train to Sundsvall was also canceled.

Update 14:35: There are several fallen trees on highway 372 between N Tuvan and the Skelleftehamn interchange, according to Trafikverket. One lane is blocked. Rescue service are on their way to the scene and traffic is expected to be affected until 15:30.

Update 13:54: Internationella Engelska Skolan, IES, has announced it will be sending home students early. The principal Kristina Ekenstedt said:

– Children in years 6-9 will finish at 14.00. Years 4-5 will finish at their normal times at approx. 14.30 except those going on the bus. They will be able to take the bus from 14.00. 

– Years F-3 and fritids will continue as usual. If you want to come and pick your child up early, you are welcome to do so. 

Update 13:37: Paul Connolly, of Norran English, sent this video from a village 30kms south of Burträsk. Snowdrifts already seem to be making village life difficult, and, as he says, it's only going to get worse.

Update 12:35: – Due to the difficult weather and travel conditions, many schools will end the day earlier and many school bus schedules have been adjusted. Information about this will be communicated to students and parents through their respective schools, says Agnetha Boström, press officer for Skellefteå municipality.

She adds:

– We also encourage students who do not use school buses but rely on public transportation instead to keep up to date with any changes in schedules. We want everyone to be able to get home.

Boström goes on to explain that this applies to all types of schools, including both primary and secondary schools.

– The exact timings may vary, but all school bus schedules must be taken into account. It's all about safety and making sure everyone gets home safely, especially given the challenging weather conditions.

Update 12:00:
It is also snowing heavily in southern Sweden, causing Arlanda Airport to operate with only one runway. As a result, there are significant delays in air traffic. SK1012, which was scheduled to land in Skellefteå at 9:20, has not yet landed and the new estimated landing time is around 12:15. The delay also affects other departures and arrivals.

What is the weather like at Skellefteå airport? Is there a risk that planes will not be able to land?

– We're managing the snow well, but it's quite windy, with winds of 17-30 knots, and visibility is challenging. Safety always comes first. If the captain feels it's not safe to land, there are alternative airports where they can land, or they may have to return to Arlanda, says Robert Lindberg, CEO of Skellefteå Airport.

Do you know if the weather is the same at Umeå and Luleå?

– I don't have that information, but I assume it's about the same. The snowfall is worse in northern Sweden.

Are you affected by the bad weather? Do you have any news or photos? Get in touch with us via email ( ) or phone (0910-57800).

Snowstorm in Lövånger

Update 11:15: Home care services are also facing difficulties on the roads.

– So far we have had one vehicle go off the road, says Sonny Bergmark, home care manager.

– We are currently making plans and trying to figure out how to get through the day. It's tough, and be prepared for delays and cancelled visits, he adds.

He has noticed that the coastal areas seem to be the most affected by the blizzard.

– I saw it blowing at 28 meters per second in Bjuröklubb. The strong winds seem to be the biggest problem, causing drifting snow. It's much worse than the last blizzard.

He adds that the delivery crews are incredibly skilled.

– They don't have the best conditions on days like this. It will all definitely take longer.

Update 10:10: Lanstrafiken reports that they are experiencing problems with bus traffic. There are already delays on their buses, with some stuck in traffic on the E4, partly due to the accident on the E4 in Lövånger.

– We haven't canceled any routes yet, but we encourage passengers to keep up to date via or our app. We will post information as soon as we receive any updates, says Elin Valfridsson from Lanstrafiken

The biggest problems are on the E4 between Umeå and Skellefteå.

– Services are running, but more or less delayed, and this can change quickly. That's why we are advising passengers that if they are traveling today, it is advisable to take an earlier bus if possible, in order to have more time for possible changes.

Snow in Bureå
Clearing snow in Skellefteå.

Are you affected by the bad weather? Do you have any news or photos? Get in touch with us via email ( or phone (0910-57800).

Update 09:42: The E4 is currently closed in both directions between Lövbacka and Bodan Ö because of an accident involving a truck and two cars, according to Trafikverket.

According to an operator at SOS Alarm, the rescue services are at the scene of the accident. Four ambulances have been dispatched to the scene.

– A total of five people are involved, as far as I know, the operator says. One person has been taken to the hospital by ambulance after the accident.

– It's very slippery there, they said.

A short while before the accident, Norran's Jenny Petersson was driving on E4 near the accident site. She describes it as an unpleasant experience.

– It was terribly snowy. I recommend that people avoid going out on E4 if they don't absolutely have to, she says.

The square in Skellefteå

Update 09:10: Schools are open as usual, according to Henrik Bolin, head of primary schools.

Meetings were held with Skellefteå Buss and Skellefteå Taxi during the morning. Bolin says that his department will be in constant contact with both organizations throughout the day.

– We will see how the situation develops during the day. Our main concern at the moment is the possibility of not being able to get the students home later, he says.

So far, school transportation seems to be running smoothly. Bolin mentions that only three buses from Lövånger were cancelled during the morning.

– That's the only report of canceled trips I've received.

Was there any discussion about keeping the schools closed due to the weather warning?

– We haven't had that discussion. It all depends on how the buses and taxis are running. As long as the buses and taxis are working, the schools are working, he says, adding:

– But we're keeping an eye on the situation and, if necessary, we can make a new decision for tomorrow. 

Update 08:20: There are extremely difficult road conditions in some areas. On the E4 and road 364, from Skellefteå and Umeå, there is a risk of blowing snow, snowdrifts, slippery conditions, strong winds, and icy road surfaces. You are urged not to use these roads.

North of town, marked in yellow, the road conditions are classified as challenging. There is blowing snow and a risk of slippery conditions there.

The municipality of Skellefteå has posted the following information on its website:

– Very limited road access, delays in public transport and probable power cuts in areas with overhead power lines are expected.

As a result of the weather warning, Skellefteå municipality held a local cooperation conference on Monday afternoon to prepare for the smoothest possible handling of various weather-related disruptions. The municipality is also in dialog with Trafikverket.

The municipality also advises:

– If possible, avoid using the roads.

Skellefteå on November 28.
Skellefteå on November 28.