Spike in covid-19 cases in the region: "take precautions"

During the summer, covid-19 cases have increased in both Västerbotten and throughout the country, and with the start of the school year underway, the region sees a risk that the spread could increase even more.

Smittan av covid-19 har ökat i landet under sommaren.

Smittan av covid-19 har ökat i landet under sommaren.

Foto: Henrik Holmberg / TT

Västerbotten2024-08-23 15:18

According to Maria Marklund, an infection control doctor at Region Västerbotten, the increase is due to the virus developing mutations.

– The mutations of the virus are evading the immune system, she says.

In July, 57 cases were reported in the region, and so far in August, the number stands at 44.

– It's an increase at relatively low levels, says Marklund.

The covid-19 cases counted are those reported by healthcare providers, not by private individuals.

Nationally, the number of hospitalized covid-19 patients has also increased in recent weeks.

– As we return to school and work, there is a risk that the spread of infection could increase further since we meet in different settings than we did during the summer, says Marklund.

– As we’ve learned, one should try to avoid spreading the disease, she says.

The mutation of viruses is a natural process. The symptoms remain the same and can appear as cold symptoms, altered smell and taste, and breathing difficulties.

– Make sure that both you and your children wash your hands thoroughly and often, cough and sneeze into your elbow, and avoid meeting people who you know are sick. If you become ill yourself, it is important to stay home until you feel well again, says Marklund.

For the upcoming autumn and winter, people aged 65 and older, as well as those in risk groups, are recommended to get vaccinated against the virus. Read about vaccination recommendations for Västerbotten at 1177.se.

Maria Marklund är smittskyddsläkare vid Region Västerbotten.