Witness's terrifying testimony of attempted murder

A suspected attempted murder, preceded by a brawl involving several people, unfolded in Skelleftehamn on Saturday, leaving residents in a normally quiet area in shock. Witnesses told local media outlet Norran that one person pulled out a knife and stabbed another as the alleged crime unfolded. "People were shocked because this is usually a very peaceful area," one witness said.

The police operation was documented by people in the area.

The police operation was documented by people in the area.

Foto: Privat

Skelleftehamn2023-08-15 11:02

Norran spoke with the person who called police to the scene. He was walking in the area when he heard a commotion, he recalled:

– It wasn't exactly a riot, but someone was definitely unhappy.

As he approached, he noticed a man and a woman arguing, while two others appeared to be waiting for them a short distance away. Initially dismissing the argument as harmless, he suddenly spotted the man brandishing a rather large knife, the blade perhaps 20 centimeters long. Retreating a little, he immediately dialed 911 and hid behind a garage while he waited for the police, communicating with an operator all the while.

A witness photographed the first patrol that arrived in Skelleftehamn on Saturday.

On the street, the woman appeared to be trying to calm the armed man, the caller told Norran. Eventually, a number of police units arrived, and the caller felt able to venture back out onto the street.

– I thought it was time for me to come forward when the police got out of their cars, he said.

Norran also spoke to another person who claims to have witnessed the attempted murder. A father who doesn't speak Swedish, with his son translating, reported: "A man and a woman were arguing outside one of the apartments. The woman was shouting at the man.

Two more people arrived at the scene, another man and a woman, according to the man who witnessed the event. 

One of the women slapped the man twice the two men started fighting; it was a real brawl, the father said.

More people joined in, and the fight escalated, with one man pulling out a knife and stabbing the other in the stomach. Witnesses pointed to a sign on the street and said:

"This is where he was stabbed."

The sign by which witnesses saw a man being stabbed.

The victim reportedly ran away and was chased down the street. 

– After a while, the police came and cordoned off the area. Later in the evening, forensic experts arrived, said another person who witnessed the event.

Witnesses estimated that those involved were between 30 and 40 years old. 

– People were shocked because this is usually a very peaceful area. It's scary when something like this happens. My father was also a witness, so they could have attacked him, the father's son told Norran.

According to Norran, there was a larger police presence on the same street early last week. Police at the scene confirmed that there has been increased police activity in the area recently. 

– The suspicions concern more serious crime, said police inspector Mattias Wallström.

The crime scene is near the police station in Skelleftehamn.

Others in the area gave accounts of previous police interventions, including a woman covered in blood seen running from the area and a police operation using drones.

The suspects in the attempted murder have been questioned by police. Jens Nyström, the defense attorney for the suspect, said:

– My client denies the charges. 

Lena Isaksson, the defense attorney for the other suspect, declined to comment Monday afternoon.

As of Monday night, it remained unclear what the condition of the person allegedly stabbed was, according to witnesses.

A man and woman, both in their 35s, were arrested, suspected of attempted murder.
A man and woman, both in their 35s, were arrested, suspected of attempted murder.