Gummark preschool closed due to lack of kids and staff

The preschool Äventyret in Gummark will be closed starting August 5. A lack of children and difficulties staffing the preschool are the reasons behind the closure. "I understand their reasoning, but in my opinion, they haven't considered the best interests of the children," says Cristoffer Hedlund, a parent at Äventyret.

Äventyret preschool in Gummark will be closed from August 5.

Äventyret preschool in Gummark will be closed from August 5.

Foto: Cristoffer Hedlund

Skellefteå2024-06-17 15:00

In late April, parents at Äventyret were informed that the preschool might be closed and offered alternative placements in town if necessary.

– The question was whether the children would be able to stay together and keep the teachers that they knew so well. They couldn't guarantee that. Then we didn't hear anything more until June 5, says Cristoffer Hedlund.

The final decision to close Äventyret was received by guardians on June 5. While the building will still be available as a preschool if the situation changes, the current preschool will cease operations for the unforeseeable future. This decision was made jointly by the local principal and Kerstin Steinvall, the head of the municipality's preschools.

The same decision has been made regarding Kobbens preschool, which was covered by Norran English this spring. Additionally, two other preschools in the municipality, Svalan in Jörn and Granen in Moröbacke, are also to be closed.

Kerstin Steinvall is head of preschools in Skellefteå kommun.

A parent at Äventyret, Cristoffer Hedlund, understands why the decision was made but is not satisfied with how the municipality handled communication with the guardians.

– Many families explored private preschool options in the area as the initial communication did not guarantee their children's group staying together or their teachers remaining the same, says Hedlund.

– If they had provided more complete information in the initial communication, we wouldn't have had to wait two months with so many unanswered questions. Some have contacted the municipality but received no answers. It might not be a big deal to them, but it is to us. Children are fragile at that age; some may handle such a change well, but not all.

Kerstin Steinvall says the decision was based on a number of factors, the most significant being challenges with enrollment and staffing. – Recruiting qualified preschool teachers is difficult, she explains.

– The municipality has clear requirements from the Education Act and curriculum to maintain a certain quality of education. By consolidating children and staff into fewer preschools, we coordinate staffing, which enables increased quality for all children.

Steinvall clarifies that the children's group would have remained intact if all guardians had chosen the municipal preschool placement.

She also defends the communication timeline, stating:

– The intention was to release the first information as early as possible. It was important to us that the decision was well-founded. That's why we gave the final decision when we did. The principal has been available to answer questions between the initial information and the decision.

Gummark's preschool has a capacity for up to twenty children, and only nine were registered for the fall.

– When there are more children in need of preschool, we will reopen, says Steinvall.