Skellefteå turns to AI for newcomer desires for future

Skellefteå municipality has turned to artificial intelligence (AI) to discover the needs and desires of its new residents. The project, called Skellefteå Together, the first of its kind in Sweden, aimed to learn more about what recent newcomers wanted in the Skellefteå of the future.

AI-generated image of the responses from the Social leisure activities area.

AI-generated image of the responses from the Social leisure activities area.

Foto: Canucci

Skellefteå2023-05-10 11:29

Around 500 people responded to the question, "How do you want Skellefteå to look in the future so that you want and can stay here for decades?" in a variety of languages. 

The AI summarised the 1,500 responses into categories such as social leisure activities, inclusion, calm and happiness, support, education and health, and transport. Images were also automatically generated by the AI model, Midjourney, based on the summaries of the answers.

– We recognize many of the answers, but what is obvious to us is not always obvious to those who moved here, says Kristina Sundin Jonsson, municipal director of Skellefteå.

The query targeted those who had moved to Skellefteå after July 2019, and they were given the opportunity to answer in various languages. The responses covered around 1,500 distinct topics. 

– By allowing people to think freely, we receive a broad range of nuanced responses, said Oscar Stege Unger, CEO of the AI company Canucci. 

– Discovering new and better ways to listen to our citizens is critical to the development of our democracy.

What follows is an English translation of the Swedish AI-generated text concerning each topic.

AI-generated image of the responses from the Social leisure activities area.

Social leisure activities

Create more ice rinks, sports facilities and swimming pools. Increase the variety of restaurants and cafés, including more vegan and Indian options. Develop attractive locations near the sea/river for excursions, and better opportunities for outdoor activities. Offer more indoor activities for children during the winter months, such as a comfortable swimming experience with water slides, saunas, seawater pools, children's play areas, and restaurants.

AI's thoughts on the field of Inclusion


Start a befriending program that brings together locals and internationals, events where newcomers can connect with the community, give newcomers the opportunities to join sports clubs, more ways to meet people with similar interests and a wide range of courses/workshops where you can learn new things and meet new people.

Peace & happiness. Based on the responses in that area, the AI made this image.

Peace and happiness

The city should maintain its "small town feel" by providing a safe and secure environment, an active community life, a vibrant local trade, and a cultural scene that represents local history. More Christmas lighting throughout the city during winter and creating an open and inclusive culture for those who have moved from the south or abroad should be implemented. Cultural events such as international concerts and theatrical performances should be provided, and more culturally and linguistically diverse activities should be offered. Advertising these events in English is also important to ensure that everyone can participate.

AI image of the answers from Supply, school and health.

Support, Education, and Health

Skellefteå municipality needs to focus on the development of the housing market, more quickly accepting people's skills and qualifications from other countries, providing healthcare, creating job opportunities for English speakers, and building more housing. They should also focus on improving healthcare, elderly care, schools, and roads.

Smooth connections. This is what it might look like when the AI sums up.


Improve public transportation by better integrating Tabussen and Skellefteå bus, making tickets more affordable, providing public information in English, adding flights to other European cities from Skellefteå airport, adding more roundabouts and traffic lights, having more frequent buses, having good train connections, reducing dependence on cars, and ensuring that buses go through rural villages.

Additionally, AI-generated images were produced by the Midjourney model based on the summary of responses.

An AI-generated image that describes the entire survey.
An AI-generated image that describes the entire survey.
Skellefteå Together

This was a pilot project, the first of its kind, aimed at exploring and learning how artificial intelligence can be used to create a more attentive, open, and ongoing dialogue with citizens.

The project was carried out by Skellefteå municipality, Region Västerbotten, and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR). The company Canucci was commissioned to conduct the pilot and write a report. 

The project was also co-funded by the European Union.