Walpurgis Night bonfires - a comprehensive list

Walpurgis Night, this Sunday, is the night of the bonfire in Sweden, traditionally believed to ward off evil spirits, but now a festive way of incinerating excess gardening and household odds and ends. Here is a list of bonfires in Skellefteå.

Many people choose to visit a May bonfire on the eve of Walpurgis.

Many people choose to visit a May bonfire on the eve of Walpurgis.

Foto: Johan Nilsson / TT

Skellefteå2023-04-28 16:33

A large part of this list is taken from Visit Skellefteå.

Walpurgis fires

The following locations will be hosting bonfire celebrations in Skellefteå:

Prästbordet, Församlingsgården at Landskyrkan: Organized by Svenska kyrkan. 

The celebration begins with a church service at Landskyrkan at 5 pm, followed by the lighting of the bonfire at 6 pm. Along with the traditional bonfire, there will be spring speeches, spring songs, and food and drink for sale.

Skråmträsks bönhus: Organized by Svenska kyrkan.

The bonfire lighting is at 7:30 pm, preceded by spring speeches and refreshments.

Broselsgården in Byske: Organized by Svenska kyrkan. 

The celebration starts at 6 pm, with the bonfire being lit at around 6:50 pm. Along with the bonfire, there will be spring speeches, spring songs, food and drink for sale, pony rides, face painting, and a fishing pond for the younger attendees.

Anderstorps kyrka: Organized by Svenska kyrkan. 

The celebration starts at 6 pm, with the bonfire being lit at 6:30 pm. Along with the bonfire, there will be a music café.

Bergsbykyrkan: Organized by Svenska kyrkan. 

The bonfire will be lit at 6:30 pm. Along with the traditional bonfire, there will be spring speeches, spring songs, and refreshments for sale inside the church.

Ersmarks kyrka: Organized by Svenska kyrkan. 

The bonfire will be lit at 6 pm at Ersmarks IP. Along with the bonfire, there will be spring speeches, spring songs, refreshments for sale, and smaller bonfires where attendees can grill sausages and bread on sticks.

Sandfors bönhus: Organized by Svenska kyrkan. 

The celebration starts at 7 pm and includes spring songs.

Medle bönhus: Organized by Svenska kyrkan. 

The celebration starts at 7:30 pm with the bonfire being lit at the pond. Along with the bonfire, there will be spring songs and a lottery.

Mobackenkyrkan: Organized by Svenska kyrkan. 

The celebration starts at 7 pm. Along with the traditional bonfire, there will be spring speeches, spring songs, a quiz, refreshments for sale, and the opportunity to grill sausages.

Uttersjön: Organized by Uttersjöns byaförening. 

The bonfire will be lit at 7:30 pm by Uttersjöns byastuga.

Bureå: Organized by Bureå IF. 

The bonfire will be lit at 7:30 pm at Myggvalla. Along with the traditional bonfire, there will be hamburgers for sale, and the fire department will showcase one of their fire trucks. Before the bonfire, spring speeches and spring songs will be held at Café Träffpunkten at 6 pm.

Drängsmark, Folkets hus.

The celebration starts at 6 pm, with the bonfire being lit at 6:30 pm. Along with the traditional bonfire, there will be food and drink for sale, a fishing pond, and small fires for grilling. Spring songs will also be sung.

Skelleftehamn, Guldvallen: Organized by Rönnskär Railcare IF. 

The celebration starts at 6:30 pm and the bonfire will be lit at 7 pm. Along with the traditional bonfire, there will be a fishing pond, hamburgers and refreshments for sale, and spring songs will also be sung.

Tjärns bönhus: Organized by Tjärns fritidsförening. The celebration starts at 7 pm with refreshments for sale, a quiz, and lottery. The bonfire will be lit around 8 pm.

Fällfors, at the ice hockey rink opposite the church: Organized by Byalaget i Fällfors. The bonfire will be lit at 6 pm, and hamburgers will be available for purchase.

Lövånger, at Lövångergården: Organized by Lövångerbygdens Utveckling/Lövångergården/Svenska kyrkan. The celebration starts at 5 pm, and the bonfire will be lit at 7 pm. Along with the traditional bonfire, there will be spring speeches, spring songs, hamburgers, and refreshments for sale.

Hökmark: Organized by Hökmarks Byamän. The bonfire will be lit at 6:30 pm on the lawn next to the old school.