Trouble at airport – flight cannot take off

A plane that should have taken off from Skellefteå bound for Stockholm at 09:50 has been struck by technical problems and is still on the tarmac.

At 10:30 the plane that were supposed to have taken off from Skellefteå Airport with destination Arlanda was still on the ground due to technical problems.

At 10:30 the plane that were supposed to have taken off from Skellefteå Airport with destination Arlanda was still on the ground due to technical problems.

Foto: Arkivbild

Skellefteå2023-07-12 11:21

Jeanette Morén, deputy CEO of Skellefteå Airport, says that it is a smaller SAS flight.

– It takes around 90 passengers.

It is unclear what the problem is at present.

– Technicians are on their way from Stockholm. The plane will take off as soon as the issue has been fixed.

The Skellefteå Airport website states that the plane is expected to take off at noon. Jeanette Morén says that she does not think the plane problem will affect other departures today.

– There are so few departures today so it’s unlikely they will be affected.


After about a three hour long wait the plane could finally take off at 13:00 on the Wednesday afternoon.