Reduce, reuse, recycle: flea market fiesta at Norrböle

On September 20, Skellefteå municipality is hosting a free flea market (loppis) at Norrböle to promote recycling.

Loppis, stock image

Loppis, stock image

Foto: Tomas Oneborg / SvD / TT

Skellefteå2024-09-18 09:00

The flea market is part of Sustainability Week, which takes place throughout Västerbotten from September 16 to 22. This week-long event involves collaboration between municipalities, companies, and individuals to highlight activities and initiatives that support social, economic, and ecological sustainability.

"The goal is to demonstrate the importance of caring for and reusing existing products," says Gabriella Nygren, from Skellefteå municipality, in a press release. "Buying secondhand means avoiding the waste generated by manufacturing new items."

Återbruk, arkivbild.

The free flea market will be held at the old bus garage, where Skellefteå residents can access used items from the municipality's recycling centers. The event aims to educate the public about recycling and showcase the amount of waste that is discarded, even though many items are still functional and valuable.

"The items we'll be giving away are those that have been dropped off at the municipality's recycling centers," says Nygren in the press release. "They may be a bit worn, but we believe they're too good to be thrown away."                                   


Sustainability Week: September 16-22

Free flea market (Loppis): Norrböle, September 20

The auction is a joint effort by Solkraft Rondellen, the municipality's waste management department, and the energy and climate consultancy.