All aboard! Norrbotniabanan gets go-ahead

In a press conference on Tuesday, the government announced that the construction of the Norrbotniabanan rail link has been given the green light.

Norrbotniabanan går vidare till Dåva, nio kilometer norr om Umeå. Vad som händer sen är höljt i dunkel.

Norrbotniabanan går vidare till Dåva, nio kilometer norr om Umeå. Vad som händer sen är höljt i dunkel.

Foto: Andreas Wälitalo

Skellefteå2025-02-11 10:44

Construction of the Norrbotniabanan rail link, specifically the Dåva–Skellefteå section, has been approved, infrastructure and housing minister Andreas Carlson announced at a Tuesday morning press conference.

– It is vital for the entire country that Sweden functions. It is important for both commuter and freight traffic, he said.

Carlson asked the assembled journalists if any had taken the train to Skellefteå. No one responded affirmatively.

– That's because you can't. Skellefteå is Sweden's largest city without a rail connection. This decision to begin construction changes that.

He emphasised that the decision is long-awaited in the region and essential for the success of major northern investments.

– It is also vital for national preparedness, strengthening redundancy in the north-south transport network. This is also crucial for our cooperation with Finland, which currently lacks an eastern rail link and relies heavily on Swedish railways for supply readiness and capacity. It's an important component of Nordic cooperation.

Planning for the final Skellefteå–Luleå segment of the Norrbotniabanan will continue.

According to Lars Bergdahl at Trafikverket:

– Construction is expected to take ten years, placing completion around 2035. While there may be pressure to expedite parts of the project, that is not currently factored into the planning. MP Edward Riedl (M) from Västerbotten reports that 17.7 billion kronor has been allocated for the Dåva–Skellefteå section.

The Norrbotnia Line is important for creating a more equal, inclusive, and accessible society. Not least through increased access to culture, write commentators from Västerbotten and Norrbotten.


This is a momentous announcement for Västerbotten and Norrland, according to Edward Riedel (M), who commented on today's construction start for the Norrbotniabanan.

– This is a comprehensive infrastructure package. Of the 22 billion kronor being discussed, 17.7 billion is allocated to the Dåva–Skellefteå section. So, finally, construction is going to begin, says Riedel, a member of parliament for Västerbotten.

Riedel declined to discuss the details of the negotiations, but attributed the delayed announcement to funding shortfalls.

– I visited the Norrbotniabanan construction site a couple of weeks ago, and it was clear there was a lack of funding. Had this announcement not come, land preparation would have had to stop, he says.

The announcement is also welcomed by Skellefteå municipality.

"This decision is something that Skellefteå municipality has been working towards for a long time, and has had many and recurring meetings and dialogues with, not least, the current government," the municipality writes in a press release.

– This announcement, which has been characterised by a long wait and great uncertainty, is both gratifying and necessary, as historically extensive green community development is underway in northern Sweden, says Lorents Burman (S), chairman of the municipal board, in the press release.

– I want to emphasise that this is a message that is important not only for us, but for all of Sweden. Both our traditional basic industries but also the large industrial projects that attract large investments to our region are important, not only for northern Sweden, but also for development in Sweden and the EU, he continues.

Skellefteå municipality opposition councillor Andreas Löwenhöök (M) welcomed the government's announcement of the Norrbotniabanan construction start.

– This is fantastic news for Skellefteå and all of northern Sweden. This investment is crucial for our region's future. I extend a huge thank you to our MP, Edward Riedl (M), and the Moderate-led government for their hard work in securing project funding.

"This is good for Northvolt, Skellefteå and all of northern Sweden," writes Matti Kataja, communications manager at Northvolt, in a comment.

"With the Norrbotniabanan, we will have greater capacity for freight transport by rail and completely new opportunities for people to commute to work by train. It will be an energy injection for industry in Västerbotten," writes Kataja.