Wood Hotel's speed dating event will be in English too

Skellefteå singles over 27 seeking love have a new option in March: a speed dating event organized by entrepreneur and relationship therapist Erika Dahlgren, who says that the event will also be offered in English.

Erika Dahlgren believes that singles in Skellefteå can find love through speed dating: "Everyone who comes is there for the same reason. They want to meet someone. It's a good place to start," she says.

Erika Dahlgren believes that singles in Skellefteå can find love through speed dating: "Everyone who comes is there for the same reason. They want to meet someone. It's a good place to start," she says.

Foto: Press

Skellefteå2024-02-29 16:00

– This is a chance for those aged 27 and over to find love, Dahlgren says with a laugh. 

Inspired by her experience as a couples and relationship therapist, she identified a gap in the dating scene where online connections didn't readily translate to real-life interactions. 

After successful singles events in Umeå, she's bringing the concept to Skellefteå.

– We expect around 80 participants, with an even split between men and women, Dahlgren reports. 

– There's good interest from Skellefteå residents, with only a few spots left. Everyone is welcome, and everything will be translated into English.

The event combines speed dating with structured interactions and mingling to facilitate connection. 

Participants fill out a form upon registration, outlining their hopes for the event, be it finding love, making new friends, or perhaps both.

– Based on the answers, if I see a potential match, I might pair them at the same table, Dahlgren explains. 

– It's not formal matchmaking, but sometimes it feels like destiny already knows who will click.

Having met her husband on an online dating site in 2018, Dahlgren understands the limitations of purely online experiences.

– Our event bridges the gap between online and real-life meetings, she says. 

– Our website incorporates personality tests to facilitate compatible matches for speed dating.

Each speed date at the Skellefteå event will last four minutes, allowing participants to meet several potential connections. 

– Some may find four minutes too long, while others may feel it's too short, Dahlgren acknowledges.

So, how can you make a strong impression in four minutes?

– Be curious and ask questions, Dahlgren advises.

– We also have prompts to help those who might feel nervous talking. Remember, everyone there wants the same thing – to meet someone. And everyone is just as nervous! she concludes.

Speed dating

On March 22, Erika Dahlgren's company, PicMe, is organizing speed dates.

Target audience: 27 years and older.

Location: Wood Hotel by Elite.