Stay safe in the water: expert's advice after recent tragedies

Several drowning incidents have been reported across the county this summer, prompting concerns about water safety. Mikael Olausson, from the Swedish Lifesaving Society (Svenska Livräddningssällskapet), offers essential advice for bathers.

Mikael Olausson, generalsekreterare vid Svenska livräddningssällskapet, har flera uppmaningar till badsugna i sommar.

Mikael Olausson, generalsekreterare vid Svenska livräddningssällskapet, har flera uppmaningar till badsugna i sommar.

Foto: Svenska Livräddningssällskapet

Skellefteå2024-07-24 11:30

Recent weeks have seen several drowning incidents, including fatal accidents in Skellefteå, Älvsbyn, and Lycksele. Another near-fatal incident occurred outside Umeå earlier this week. While it may seem like an unusual spike in drownings, Olausson explains this is often linked to seasonal weather patterns.

– July typically sees the highest number of drowning incidents, he says.

– With more people enjoying water activities during warmer weather, there's a natural increase in risks.

However, Olausson emphasizes that long-term drowning statistics show a downward trend. He also points out that certain high-profile cases can create a disproportionate sense of alarm.

– It's crucial to remember that drowning is preventable, Olausson stresses.

– Swimming facilities have a responsibility to ensure safety, but individuals must also follow guidelines.

Den 13 juli inträffade en drunkningsolycka med dödlig utgång vid Falkträskbadet i Skellefteå.

In the event of a possible drowning, Olausson recommends immediate action:

– Call emergency services (112) and locate any nearby life-saving equipment. If possible, throw a lifeline to the struggling person.

He also emphasizes the importance of CPR, specifically prioritizing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation over chest compressions in drowning cases due to the effects of oxygen deprivation on the injured person.

For parents with young children, maintaining constant supervision is paramount. Olausson encourages everyone to assess their swimming abilities and choose safe swimming locations.

– Swimming shouldn't be stressful, he says.

– By following simple safety precautions, you can enjoy the water safely and responsibly.