New podcast: a deep dive into local news

Norran has launched a new predominantly Swedish-language podcast "Studio Norran," where listeners can catch up on the week's news highlights in a concise format. The hosts are Norran journalists Tinika Häggström and Wilhelm Sandelin Anton. "This will be a new way to stay updated on the most talked-about topics," says Wilhelm.

Journalists Wilhelm Sandelin Anton and Tinika Häggström host the new news podcast "Studio Norran."

Journalists Wilhelm Sandelin Anton and Tinika Häggström host the new news podcast "Studio Norran."

Foto: Erik Grahn Lundgren

Skellefteå2023-10-11 16:30

Studio Norran covers a selection of topics that have attracted special interest during the past news week. The first episode focuses on the complex traffic regulations at Lejonströmsbron, where several drivers have lost their licenses, and the underworld's attempts to recruit younger children as drug dealers, which is said to have happened in Skogsvallen.

– In the podcast we go through what happened, what's behind it and what to expect in the future. We invite and question the journalists who have worked on the topic. They share both the development of the events and the journalistic work behind the news, says Tinika Häggström.

Journalists Wilhelm Sandelin Anton and Tinika Häggström host the new news podcast "Studio Norran."

Both Tinika and Wilhelm Sandelin Anton have backgrounds in radio journalism and believe the podcast's narrative format makes the news more accessible.

– This provides an entry point to our news for those who don't read the print newspaper or don't have time to consume everything online. Podcasts are especially popular with younger audiences, but really anyone who wants a quick summary of the most important issues can listen, says Tinika.

Typically, the podcast will have shorter episodes of around 20 minutes, but sometimes it will include longer and more documentary-style special episodes.

– We'll also occasionally have stories from Norran English, says Tinika. 

– We may delve into complex events that require in-depth coverage, such as the more extensive investigations we have conducted, says Wilhelm.

One of the special episodes currently in production is about Daxio, the alleged pyramid scheme whose activities in Skellefteå were exposed by two Norran reporters through undercover reporting.

"With the podcast, we explore more ways to convey news and generate interest in what's happening in a growing Skellefteå," says Malin Christoffersson, editor-in-chief at Norran.

Studio Norran is part of Norran's efforts to explore new methods and channels for local journalism.

– We are looking for more ways to communicate news and generate interest in what is happening in a growing Skellefteå. A news podcast feels like a natural step after digital initiatives such as Framtidsfabriken and Norran English, in which we both create a better understanding of societal events and also reach people new to the area, says Norran's editor-in-chief Malin Christoffersson.

– We are experimenting to find the right format and are open to feedback from listeners on how to develop the podcast.

Studio Norran can be found at and on various podcast platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

You can listen to the first episode here (Swedish language only):