Skellefteå still offering guaranteed student lodging

Students in Skellefteå will continue to be guaranteed housing. "Only four municipalities in the country have such a guarantee," says Lorents Burman of Skellefteå's ruling Social Democrats.

Student accommodation at Campus Skellefteå.

Student accommodation at Campus Skellefteå.

Foto: Ebba Andersson

Skellefteå2023-12-12 16:35

The housing guarantee applies to students who have been admitted to a program through one of the universities on Campus Skellefteå or other post-secondary education, such as vocational college programs, in Skellefteå. The program must be at least 18 weeks long.

Skebo is responsible for providing accommodation. Campus Fastigheter will assist Skebo with the housing arrangements.

– It is a great advantage to Skellefteå to be able to offer accommodation. However, the challenge to fulfill this promise will intensify as the community grows, says Burman.

Therefore, temporary solutions may be needed if the demand exceeds the supply of available student accommodation. This could include staying at a campground, in a hostel, or in vacant homes in the municipality's portfolio.