Skellefteå backflips into the winter holidays – “I almost died”

This week all schools are out for the winter sports holidays and a multitude of activities are arranged for the residents of Skellefteå Municipality. Vitberget is a peak of fun this week where skiers get to enjoy the possibilities and risks of the slopes.
– It was going well until you started filming, says Eliaz Lindberg.

Eliaz Lindberg does a backflip.

Eliaz Lindberg does a backflip.

Foto: Glenn Fahlgren

Skellefteå2025-03-05 16:55

Skiing and snowboarding remains a popular activity for the holiday week. Several skiers testify to the difficulty of skiing in these conditions but the temperature and the lack of snow is not stopping residents from taking on Vitberget. All lifts and part of the hill is open for skiing.

Albin Tjärnström, Ebbot Cederhill, Sixten Åström, Alex Winnerfall, William Rosendahl and Eliaz Lindberg.

The “Fun Park” section of the hill offers different jumps and rails for skiers to show off their talents. There is a gang of skiers in this section which includes Eliaz Lindberg and Sixten Åström. They talk about what they most like doing on the hill which is jumping.

– I almost died when I was doing a backflip, says Lindberg after his jump. 

– It could happen that you fall but most of the time you end up landing on the skis, that is what you try to do anyway, says Åström.

Eliaz Lindberg does a backflip.

Some other visitors were Annica Lejon and her daughter Lillith Lejon who went snowboarding for the first time. She says that it is a little hard, both because she is a beginner but she is also referring to the slushy snow. In spite of this she is very satisfied and says that she will try to go as much as possible during the holiday week. 

– The winter sports holiday is fun, it’s great to be able to do these things with the kids, says Annica.

Lillith Lejon and Annica Lejon.