Risk of more toxic algal blooms in Skellefteå

The Västerbotten county administrative board (Länsstyrelsen) is urging swimmers to be cautious due to an increased risk of algal blooms. Following recent reports of suspected blooms in Kågefjärden, Rösnäsfjärden, and Sillskatan, officials warn that these harmful algae can appear in both lakes and coastal waters.

Three cases of suspected algal bloom have so far been confirmed in Skellefteå – and there is a risk of more.

Three cases of suspected algal bloom have so far been confirmed in Skellefteå – and there is a risk of more.

Foto: Privatperson / Länsstyrelsen

Skellefteå2024-07-31 15:37

The Västerbotten county administrative board (Länsstyrelsen) is urging swimmers to be cautious due to an increased risk of algal blooms.

Following recent reports of suspected blooms in Kågefjärden, Rösnäsfjärden, and Sillskatan, officials warn that these harmful algae can appear in both lakes and coastal waters.

To identify potential algal blooms, look for water that is green, blue-green, beige, or cloudy. 

Avoid swimming in water like this as it may contain toxic algae. Skin and eye irritation can occur from contact, while ingesting contaminated water can lead to severe illness including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

If you suspect poisoning from algal exposure, seek medical attention immediately. Länsstyrelsen encourages residents to report any suspected algal blooms.

– People should be vigilant and avoid swimming in water that looks unusual, says My Osterman, an officer at the water management department.

– We urge the public to contact us with any concerns or observations.

The county will assess reported cases and issue swimming advisories as needed.

Sunny days bring out the crowds to enjoy swimming. However, be cautious of potentially dangerous algal blooms.
Algae blooms were spotted in these areas earlier this week.
If you see algal blooms

• Avoid swimming

• Never drink water with algal blooms! Boiling the water does not remove the toxins.

• Do not let children swim or play by the shore!

• Pets and livestock should be kept away from beaches and water!

• Wait before swimming directly after algal blooms disappear, as toxins may still be present

Source: Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten