Two Skellefteå houses to become 150 student apartments

Two houses in Sörböle will be demolished to accommodate 150 new student apartments. Skebo has purchased the properties and will develop a detailed plan this autumn.

En illustration över hur de 150 nya studentbostäderna eventuellt kan komma att se ut.

En illustration över hur de 150 nya studentbostäderna eventuellt kan komma att se ut.

Foto: Skebo

Skellefteå2024-09-10 14:45

Skebo announced plans to build two apartment buildings with 150 new student residences on Brogatan in Sörböle.

– We're exploring all options to address the housing shortage, including student accomodation, said Helena Markgren, CEO of Skebo.

Helena Markgren är vd på Skebo.

Originally, there were plans to convert a neighboring property into student housing. When those plans fell through, Skebo decided to pursue a similar project in the same area. Current residents will remain until construction begins.

Det röda och gula huset kommer så småningom att rivas och ge plats åt 150 nya studentbostäder.

Skebo's CEO expects the detailed plan for the student housing project to take shape this fall, based on the previous, abandoned project.

Once the plan is approved, demolition of the existing properties can begin.

– I'm optimistic that construction could start as early as next autumn, says Markgren.

The CEO warns that the path from the detailed plan to occupancy could be lengthy and complex.

– Our goal is to achieve occupancy in 2028. It's feasible, but there are many hurdles to overcome, she says.

Skebo hasn't finalized the specific type of housing that will be built.

– It might be traditional apartments. Or we could explore a co-living concept with shared kitchens and living spaces, says Markgren.