International food market comes to town

A vibrant international food market opened in Skellefteå on Wednesday, drawing a large crowd by lunchtime and creating a cheerful atmosphere.

By lunchtime the fair was packed.

By lunchtime the fair was packed.

Foto: Melker Westerberg

Skellefteå2024-08-22 08:35

Skellefteå welcomed the return of the market this year after its absence last year.

– We were in Umeå then, but we're happy to be back in Skellefteå, said Francois-Xavier Mauraisin, representing the company organizing the market.

Francois-Xavier Mauraisin works at Geraud Markets, which organizes the international food market.

Boasting more than 35 diverse food stalls, the market features cuisines from more than 20 countries, including Romania, Venezuela, Greece, and Italy. It will run from Wednesday through Saturday.

– It's fantastic to be here, said Francois.

Among the many vendors was 22-year-old Aaron Gonzalez, offering a variety of Chilean delicacies, including empanadas.

– I think it's going to be a great week. The people are friendly, and Skellefteå is lovely, he said.

22-year-old Aaron Gonzalez sells Chilean food.
The 24-year-old Maxine Touray was busy selling American food, including hamburgers and "Philly cheese steak" – a sandwich filled with meat and melted cheese.
Petra Pyhälä, 29, and Jessica Wallgren, 38, were two of the many who visited the market. Joining them was seven-month-old Ella Wallgren!
You can also buy good cheese!