Can hunters bring closure to Elliott's case?

Elliott, who vanished last November, remains missing. Missing People is now appealing to moose hunters in Norr- and Västerbotten for help. 'We hope they can keep a watchful eye out,' says Martin Persson of Missing People.

Martin Persson, operations leader at Missing People. Archive photo

Martin Persson, operations leader at Missing People. Archive photo

Foto: Catrin Renlund

Skellefteå2024-09-02 12:00

Elliott, a 20-year-old from Skellefteå, vanished on November 28th last year. Despite numerous search efforts, the police and Missing People remain baffled by his disappearance. There are no clues to his whereabouts or the vehicle he is believed to have been driving.

Elliott has been missing since November 28 last year.

As moose hunting season begins, Martin Persson is urging hunters to be on the lookout for a gray 2004 Volvo S80 with a license plate starting with 'WFH.' Despite exhaustive searches involving berry pickers and public volunteers, Elliott remains missing.

– We've exhausted every search avenue imaginable. I've never seen such a massive search effort. Even berry-picking companies have become involved, asking their workers to keep an eye out.But hunters cover slightly different areas of the forest, venturing deeper in, Persson explains.

– That's why we're appealing to them now.

– His phone last pinged in Jävre on the night he vanished, Persson explains.

– We've searched extensively, but found nothing. Hunters might spot the car in a ditch or near water, he suggests.

– It's a heavy front-wheel-drive vehicle, so unlikely to be deep in the forest, but you never know.

Elliott was most likely traveling in a dark gray Volvo Sedan S80, model year 2004.