Skellefteå school undergoes another bug clean-up

Lejonströmsskolan has long been a popular hangout for silverfish. Now they've become so numerous that Anticimex has had to come to the rescue once again.

Silverfish infestation plagues Lejonströmsskolan

Silverfish infestation plagues Lejonströmsskolan

Foto: Christian Mård

Skellefteå2023-08-30 15:40

Back in the spring, Norran reported on the school's fight against the long-tailed silverfish, a special kind of silverfish that grows very large, about two centimeters long. Unlike the normal silverfish, it is able to crawl vertically and can therefore spread over a large area.

Last spring, silverfish were found in almost all of Lejonströmsskolan. Eventually the situation became untenable and Anticimex was called in. Poisoned bait was placed between the floorboards and walls throughout the school.

– We are looking at all the solutions and doing everything we can, said principal Helene Lindberg Järlesjö to Norran at the time.

Super silverfish: bigger and more problematic than the common variety

In spite of the measures taken, there are still silverfish in the school and in July, Anticimex had to come to the rescue once again. This time, traps were placed in the teachers' room and the seventh grade lounge.

While silverfish are harmless, they can destroy things such as books and dry goods. In its action report, Anticimex recommends daily vacuuming and cleaning - but not with pesticides, which could make the situation worse.

– There are definitely silverfish in the school, but I wouldn't say they're crawling everywhere; it's more limited to certain areas. Now we hope that Anticimex's traps will work and that the problem will be solved as soon as possible, says vice principal Anders Sevdin.