Skellefteå gets a boost from Nornan Invest's new housing project

Construction of 108 new apartments at Anderstorg is finally underway, with an investment from a local Skellefteå company, Nornan Invest. It's the first project that's based on investigator Peter Larsson's proposal to the government for kickstarting housing construction in northern Sweden to support the green transition.

Anderstorg is being prepared for upcoming construction. Photo from October 2023.

Anderstorg is being prepared for upcoming construction. Photo from October 2023.

Foto: Gerth Hedberg

Skellefteå2024-08-27 11:06

After a lengthy wait, Skellefteå municipality has secured a construction company to build 108 new apartments at Anderstorg.

Several years ago, the municipality developed a detailed plan for the area, including new streets, pedestrian and bicycle paths. However, rising construction costs and interest rates deterred potential property companies.

Nornan Invest, a local property company with support from Norrlandsfonden, has now stepped in to develop one of the blocks. Lindbäcks Bygg, a well-known construction company in Skellefteå, will build the 108 apartments using its efficient industrial methods from its factory in Piteå.

– The project is a good business opportunity, but we also feel that we're taking on a social responsibility. If we don't dare to invest, then who will?, says Anders Westermark, head of investments at Nornan Invest.

– However, much larger investments are needed, and many more developers need to be involved in construction projects in Skellefteå, he adds.

Westermark emphasizes that this is the first housing project that's based on investigator Peter Larsson's proposal to the government for kickstarting housing construction in the north.

– It's about giving Norrlandsfonden the opportunity to co-finance housing projects to facilitate the green transition in the north, he says.

The buildings will include everything from one-bedroom to four-bedroom apartments, ranging from 24 to 89 square meters in size. Occupancy is expected in 2026 and 2027.

This is a typical Lindbäcks home, as seen in Sjungande Dalen. Similar houses can also be found in Västra Erikslid, Frigg, Balder, Getberget, and Moröhöjden.
Planned construction at Anderstorg. There will be three blocks with residential buildings and one block with a parking garage (which the municipality will build).
Example of completed houses by Lindbäcks. This one is located at Getberget.

Norrlandsfonden, a foundation that collaborates with banks, venture capital firms, regional authorities, and municipal business companies, offers flexible top-up loans to companies for new establishments, development, and expansion.

Recognized as a suitable entity to distribute state funds, particularly for housing construction linked to the green industry, Norrlandsfonden plans to provide loans of between 70 and 100 million kronor to construction companies. 

These loans aim to alleviate financial burdens during the early stages of a construction project, before the property is fully completed and rented out.

The first construction project to receive a loan is Nornan Invest's residential building on Anderstorg. To qualify for a loan, companies must demonstrate a good location, secured bank financing, involvement of private and locally rooted partners, and a positive construction cost estimate. The Nornan Invest project in Skellefteå meets all of these criteria.