Västerbotten crowned Sweden's job king with 3.6% jobless rate

Västerbotten county boasts the lowest unemployment rate in Sweden at 3.6%. Skellefteå municipality leads the county with an even lower rate of 3.0%.

AF Malmö

AF Malmö

Foto: Peter Kroon

Skellefteå kommun2024-07-22 12:20

The number of unemployed individuals in Västerbotten County remained steady during the second quarter of 2024, with 5,000 people registered as unemployed. This figure is unchanged compared to the previous year.

Reports indicate a labor shortage in both Västerbotten and Norrbotten counties. To address this, more people are needed to relocate to the region for permanent employment opportunities.

"The strong job market in Västerbotten is due in part to the establishment of many new businesses in the county," said Patrik Bergström, section manager at Västerbotten Arbetsförmedlingen in a press release.