Government announces key green transition appointments

To fast-track the green transition, the government has named two industrial coordinators and launched a dedicated acceleration office.

Energy and Industry Minister Ebba Busch (KD) and Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M). Archive image

Energy and Industry Minister Ebba Busch (KD) and Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M). Archive image

Foto: Jessica Gow/TT

Politik2024-06-13 15:50

– Sweden must aim to become both greener and wealthier, transforming climate anxiety into climate hope, says Energy and Industry Minister Ebba Busch (KD). 

Kristina Alvendal, former Moderate city councilor in Stockholm, and Niklas Nordström, former Social Democrat municipal councilor in Luleå, are appointed as industrial coordinators.

The office will, among other tasks, expedite permit processes, identify bottlenecks, and recommend legislative changes. It is crucial for Swedish tax revenues, jobs, and economic growth that Swedish companies succeed in their transition. Reduction of industrial emissions is also imperative for Sweden to meet its climate targets.

– If we cannot achieve efficiency alongside speed, these investments will go elsewhere, warns Prime Minister, Ulf Kristersson (M).

Mikael Damberg, the Social Democrats' economic policy spokesperson, acknowledges the coordination office as a positive step but criticizes the government for lacking clear structural reforms for Swedish industrial projects.

– What is needed now are concrete measures, he writes, advocating for new energy capacity targets by 2030.