Government wants a mobile phone ban at all schools

A national ban on mobile phones in primary schools is being proposed. The ban would extend to break or recess periods. To explore the feasibility and potential implications of this measure, a committee will be formed.

Prime minister Ulf Kristersson (M) visits Söraskolan in Åkersberga, a school that has recently implemented a ban on mobile phones for all students during school hours.

Prime minister Ulf Kristersson (M) visits Söraskolan in Åkersberga, a school that has recently implemented a ban on mobile phones for all students during school hours.

Foto: Anders Wiklund/TT

Politik2024-08-28 15:07

Prime minister Ulf Kristersson (M) visited Söraskolan in Åkersberga on Wednesday to observe the school's implementation of a full-day mobile phone ban. He advocated for a nationwide standard to govern student mobile phone usage in schools.

Kristersson argued that consistent rules would make enforcement easier. He proposed a simple procedure: students would deposit their phones at the beginning of the day and retrieve them at the end. Exceptions, such as for students with sick parents, would be considered.

The push for a completely mobile-free primary school was included in the updated Tidö Agreement between the governing parties and the far-right Sweden Democrats last fall.

Norran English says...

All parents have seen the negative impact of mobile phones on our kids' attention spans and their (lack of) social interactions, and it's time action was taken.

Imagine a classroom where students are fully engaged in the lesson, free from the constant temptation of scrolling through social media or playing games. Imagine a playground where children are interacting face-to-face, building friendships, and developing essential social skills. This is the vision of a phone-free school.

While there may be concerns about safety and communication, these can be addressed with alternative solutions. Schools can implement policies for emergencies. By taking a firm stance on mobile phone usage, we can create a healthier and more productive learning environment for our children.

Luckily, for some Skellefteå parents, the IES school has already implemented a ban on most mobile phone usage.

Paul Connolly