Local artists and global superstar draw enormous crowds

More than 3,500 people visited Sara kulturhus over the weekend.

Weekend mingle at Sara kulturhus

Weekend mingle at Sara kulturhus

Foto: Miranda Tikkanen

Nöje2023-12-18 13:10

Sara kulturhus was packed with both internationally renowned guests like Zara Larsson as well as local talent.

Skellefteå hosted Musikhjälpen, Västerbottensteatern's performance "Jag tänker på kärlek" and pop queen Zara Larsson, all of which attracted large audiences.

– More than 3,500 people visited Sara kulturhus this weekend. We're completely exhausted, but it's so much fun that we have events all over the place that attract such large crowds, says a somewhat hoarse Sofia Andersson Lundberg, program director at Sara Kulturhus, who worked until the early hours of the morning.

Weekend mingle at Sara kulturhus
Weekend mingle at Sara kulturhus