Zara Larsson coming back to Skellefteå

Zara Larsson returns to Sara with 'Honor The Light' show

Zara Larsson at Sara kulturhus

Zara Larsson at Sara kulturhus

Foto: Magnus Tosser

Musik2023-10-24 12:09

Skellefteå will be one of only two places in Sweden where Zara Larsson will perform, and the concert will be followed by a TV broadcast.

– It is no coincidence that Zara Larsson wants to come back to Skellefteå. We have a cultural center that can meet the expectations when major international artists are booked, and the people of Skellefteå are starting to get used to seeing world-class artists on our stages, says Sofia Andersson Lundberg, program director at Sara kulturhus.

Zara Larsson comes to Sara in December.

"Honor The Light" is a modern interpretation of the Lucia tradition. The show consists of three acts and will include new acoustic versions of songs from Larsson's catalog, as well as classic Christmas songs and guest artists.