"The car flew quite a distance"

Four teenagers were injured in a single-vehicle crash on the road between Norsjö and Malå early Sunday morning. Police have launched a preliminary investigation to determine the cause of the accident and identify any potential criminal offenses.

Polisen har dokumenterat platsen. Bilen på bilden har inget med olyckan att göra.

Polisen har dokumenterat platsen. Bilen på bilden har inget med olyckan att göra.

Foto: Lars Westerlund

Malå kommun2024-08-05 11:48

Four teenagers were injured in a single-vehicle rollover on Road 370 between Norsjö and Malå early Sunday morning. All four occupants were transported to hospitals within the county.

According to Mats Bruhn, the police officer in charge of the preliminary investigation, the four teenagers involved in the accident sustained varying degrees of injuries, with some considered serious.

Two of the teenagers, both male, are being treated in the intensive care unit at Lycksele Hospital for minor and moderate injuries respectively. Information regarding the condition of the other two teenagers has not yet been released by Region Västerbotten.

As all four individuals remain hospitalized, the police have not yet been able to interview any of them.

På platsen syns glassplitter och mindre delar från den kraschade bilen.
Polisen har dokumenterat platsen. Bilen på bilden har inget med olyckan att göra.

Police suspect multiple charges in connection with the accident, including aggravated drunk driving, driving without a license, aggravated assault, and reckless endangerment. When asked if there was reason to believe these suspicions, police spokesperson Mats Bruhn confirmed, "Absolutely."

Due to the ongoing hospitalization of all four teenagers, police have been unable to conduct interviews. Authorities have processed the accident scene and impounded the vehicle. Visible signs of the crash remained at the scene well into the afternoon.

Olycksplatsen har markerats med ett vitt och rött band. Bilen på bilden har inget med olyckan att göra.
”Bilen verkar ha flugit en bit”, säger Norrans reporter Lars Westerlund.

The accident site was marked with red and white tape, and inside the marked area, there were what appeared to be glass shards and small plastic parts from the car.

The tape was placed a few meters from the road.

– The car seems to have flown quite a bit, says Norran's reporter on the spot, Lars Westerlund.

He also says that the accident did not occur in a curve.

– This is a straight stretch of road.

Norran has also been told that footage of the accident scene was filmed shortly after the collision. 

The eight-second clip shows the car overturned in a field. Its windows are shattered, and the body is severely damaged. Three individuals are visible in the footage, with at least one walking around the wreckage. All appear to be injured. The video was likely recorded before emergency responders arrived.

Norran is seeking further clarification about the video.