A great tit's great choice: Seeking warmth in Kåge

On the coldest day of last week, Emma Lind and her family received an unexpected visitor. When they opened the front door of their townhouse in Kåge, a tiny great tit flew in. "The bird felt the heat coming out of the front door, and when we opened the outward-opening door, it flew in," she says.

Emma Lind received a visit from a frozen great tit last Thursday.

Emma Lind received a visit from a frozen great tit last Thursday.

Foto: Emma Lind

Kåge2024-01-09 15:15

Emma Lind in Kåge mentions that they had a lot of ice on the front door of their townhouse.

– The little bird must have been warming itself by the front door and saw its chance when it opened. It flew upstairs and right into the bedroom.

Emma Lind with children Alma and William.

Even though the house was full of loud children the bird still chose to fly in, which Emma says must have been because the creature was desperate to be out of the cold.

– I think it must've been freezing. We had so many noisy children inside, and yet it still wanted to come in. It was desperate, poor thing, she said.

Emma Lind received a visit from a frozen great tit last Thursday.

Emma was helped by her sister-in-law, who locked herself in the bedroom with the bird and managed to catch it.

– It was very calm and just sat still in her hands. We kept it inside for a quarter of an hour, trying to warm it up with our hands before we let it go.

– We had so many children inside, and yet it wanted to come in, says Emma Lind.

Emma says they've never seen small birds outside her house.

– We have had magpies here, but not cute little great tits like this, so I was a bit surprised when this tiny one turned up.

After this incident, are you now a bird person?

– It was so cute that I became a bird person, at least for small birds. Maybe we'll put a feeding table outside now.