Migrationsverket: Non-EU Northvolt staff face job ultimatum

Migrationsverket reveals that approximately 1,700 people employed by Northvolt in Skellefteå, Västerås, and Stockholm hold work permits from outside the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA). An MV spokesperson says if they don't find work in three months, they'll lose their work visas.

Migrationsverket is hosting information meetings and collaborating with other public agencies in Västerbotten to provide guidance on the applicable regulations and answer questions related to work permits.

Migrationsverket is hosting information meetings and collaborating with other public agencies in Västerbotten to provide guidance on the applicable regulations and answer questions related to work permits.

Foto: Pontus Lundahl/TT

Engelska2024-09-30 14:27

In response to Northvolt's recent announcement of layoffs affecting 1,600 employees, Migrationsverket says it's actively providing information and support to Northvolt staff.

– If you are laid off and leave your job, you will lose the basis for your residence permit, says Hanna Geurtsen, section manager at the Migrationsverket.

– Your visa was granted specifically for your previous employment.

Employees who want to continue working in Sweden may apply for a new work and residence permit if they find a new position within three months.

Migrationsverket is hosting information meetings and collaborating with other public agencies in Västerbotten to provide guidance on the applicable regulations and answer questions related to work permits, but Geurtsen's words offer very little consolation to the many highly-educated and skilled non-EU workers in danger of losing their jobs.

– We have conducted a digital information session with Northvolt employees and plan to offer more sessions in the future, says Geurtsen.

Migrationsverket is hosting information meetings and collaborating with other public agencies in Västerbotten to provide guidance on the applicable regulations and answer questions related to work permits.
Non-EU Northvolt staff

Top nine nationalities in Sweden with valid work permits

India: 420

Pakistan: 249

Turkey: 133

Nigeria: 111

South Korea: 72

Sri Lanka: 68

USA: 68

United Kingdom: 55

Bangladesh: 51

Previously, Northvolt trade unions have estimated that the total of non-EU workers could exceed 2,000.