Our NYE guide to Systembolaget opening hours

New to Sweden's arcane alcohol laws, but fancy some sparkly stuff to celebrate New Year's Eve? Read on...

How NOT to open a bottle of champagne.

How NOT to open a bottle of champagne.

Foto: Sergei Grits

Engelska2023-12-29 16:00

Buying alcohol stronger than 3.5% in Sweden is a bit more complex compared to many other nations. 

If you're a visitor, or a newcomer, from another country, it's useful to understand how the Swedish alcohol chain Systembolaget operates. Once you grasp the rules, it's not as tricky as it might initially appear. Here's how they operate in the run-up to New Year's Eve.

Expect the stores to be much busier than usual, with long lines and limited product availability throughout the day.

The *correct* way to open and pour champagne.

Here's a list of the store hours for New Year's Eve.

Friday, December 29: The stores will be open until at least 7 pm, and some larger stores will stay open until 8 pm.

Saturday, December 30: The stores will be open until 3 pm.

Sunday, December 31 (New Year's Eve): All stores closed.

Monday, January 1 (New Year's Day): All stores closed.

Happy new year! Or gott nytt år!

Quick, before the last bottle disappears.