Headlines for homework? Discover English teacher's secret weapon

Elisabet Dahlén, an English language teacher at Baldergymnasiet, uses an unusual tool to teach her 16-18 year old students - Norran English!

Elisabet Dahlén in her Baldergymnasiet classroom with students learning English.

Elisabet Dahlén in her Baldergymnasiet classroom with students learning English.

Foto: Donna Richmond

Engelska2024-05-24 09:12

Norran English visited Elisabet Dahlén’s English class at a high school in Skellefteå, where she uses Norran English as part of her teaching program. The students, aged 16 to 19, were engaged with the articles and discussed them eagerly. In this Q&A, Dahlén explains how Norran English enhances her lessons and helps students improve their English skills through relevant, real-world content.

Why do you use Norran English in your English class? What do you hope students learn?

I want my students to learn more English words and read more texts, and it's good that the articles in Norran English are written by native English speakers.

What ages are your students? How does Norran English fit their level and interests?

Our students are between 16 and 19 years old. The level of English suits them fine and also fits with their interests. They don’t read everything, of course, but they think that the articles in which Norran English compares cultures are interesting, and they also like the general news articles. For example the articles about the snowstorm late last year were well-read by the students.

"They think that the articles in which Norran English compares cultures are interesting."

How do you include Norran English articles in your lessons? Do you have special activities?

I have different kinds of activities. Sometimes we read and discuss the article together in class, and sometimes they present different articles to each other. Sometimes I ask them to write a summary of an article.

Do you see students improve their English since using Norran English?

Yes I can definitely see that. First we start to read it in class, but then they start to read it in their spare time as it is free. Their vocabulary has improved and so has their reading comprehension.

"Their vocabulary has improved and so has their reading comprehension."

Do students like learning English with news about their town?

Yes, they have started to read the news. TikTok is no longer their first source of news!

How could Norran English be better for English classes?

Write more articles about young people.

Norran English also talked to one of the students who said that Elisabet's decision to use Norran English was an inspired one.

– It's made learning English so much more fun and engaging. It was a great idea.