The government want's stricter rules on reunion immigration

The government wants to further tighten the conditions for family reunification immigration. A special investigator will review how, among other things, the maintenance requirements (försörjningskrav) can be tightened.

Swedish democrat (Sverigedemokraterna) Ludvig Aspling and migration minister (migrationsminister) Maria Malmer Stenergard (M) at the pressconferance talking about stricter rules for family reuinion immigration.

Swedish democrat (Sverigedemokraterna) Ludvig Aspling and migration minister (migrationsminister) Maria Malmer Stenergard (M) at the pressconferance talking about stricter rules for family reuinion immigration.

Foto: Mikaela Landeström/TT

Engelska2024-07-09 16:30

– It should still be possible to reunite with one's relatives, but we should take advantage of the opportunities we have to set requirements. It's about promoting integration, says Minister for Migration (migrationsminister) Maria Malmer Stenergard (M) to TT.

The minister says that the right to family life is "a fundamental right," but that today's laws in Sweden are more generous than what is required according to EU law and the country's international commitments.

Better Integration

Therefore, the investigator will propose how the maintenance requirements and other conditions for granting residence permits based on connection to persons who already have residence permits in Sweden can be tightened.

– Tightening immigration gives us the conditions to work much better with integration, and with that, the rules for family reunification immigration are also important, says Malmer Stenergard.

The investigator will also review the conditions for family reunification immigration for persons who are, for example, Swedish citizens, and consider how priviliges of being connected to that person can be limited.

DNA Analysis

Another aspect is to look at how the regulations on DNA analysis to prove biological relationships should be changed to enable expanded use.

What level of maintenance requirement are you considering?

– The investigator will look at the levels. But it is important that people who come here as family reunification immigrants do not live in poverty. We also believe that integration is strengthened if the family member they come to is integrated and can support themselves, says Malmer Stenergard.

Jonny Cato, migration policy spokesperson for the Centre Party (Centerpartiet), is critical.

– The government wants to make it as difficult as possible for families to reunite, for children to see their parents again. It is both inhumane and proven to be bad for integration, he says in a written comment.

The assignment is to be reported no later than August 25 next year.