Internationals offered work permit grace period

The Swedish government is to offer international workers up to two years grace period when renewing work permits.

The Swedish government is to offer foreign workers up to two years grace period when renewing work permits.

The Swedish government is to offer foreign workers up to two years grace period when renewing work permits.

Foto: Thomas Möller

Engelska2023-02-20 13:42

Sweden's migration minister, Maria Malmer Stenergard, has said that foreign workers renewing their work permits will receive a one-year grace period. This grace period exempts them from the planned new higher minimum salary requirement for work permits. 

As the government has also appointed a judge, Ann-Jeanette Eriksson, to lead an investigation into what the new salary level should be, an inquiry which has a deadline of January 2024, the grace period for international workers could last until at least January 2025.

The grace period is designed to help ease the transition to the new rules for international workers who are already in Sweden.

It was also announced that certain occupations should be completely excluded from labour immigration. According to Stenergard, the changed directives should lead to a reduction in unskilled labour immigration to Sweden.

The idea is that work permits should only be granted for jobs that have a wage level corresponding to the median wage. This is something that the governing parties and the far-right Sweden Democrats have agreed on in the Tidö Agreement.

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