Raid in Skelleftehamn planned in advance

A raid on a rental property suspected of being unfit for habitation was carried out in Skelleftehamn on Thursday morning. The police and officials from the municipality were on the scene, in the latest move to deal with the 'slum landlord' rental accommodation problem.

Both the police and officials from the municipality attended the raid.

Both the police and officials from the municipality attended the raid.

Foto: Läsarbild

Engelska2023-11-23 15:15

A reader contacted Norran this morning to report that the police were at a property along with people who appeared to be "from an authority".

– I see two police officers, a police van and what appears to be six or seven officials of some kind, the person said.

As Norran was speaking to the person, the owner of the property also arrived on the scene.

– Now they are going into the house, the person said.

Christina Hallin, press officer for the police, said during the morning that it was a joint operation with the municipality.

–They are carrying out an inspection at the property. It seems to have been planned in advance, she said.

Elisabeth Berggren, head of operations for environment, health and food at Skellefteå municipality, later confirmed that it was a joint authority inspection of suspected unfit dwellings.

– We have often people out doing inspections, she said.

Elisabeth Berggren, head of operations for environment, health protection, and food at Skellefteå municipality. Archive image.

Norran has reported on the ongoing joint authority inspections of suspected unfit homes in Skellefteå municipality several times over the past year. There have been incidences of rentals with leaking sewage, rodent droppings and no smoke alarms.

– This is an ongoing effort for us, not a one-off operation, Berggren told Norran last week.

The main parties involved in the inspections are the municipality's environmental and building departments, and the fire service. The police are also often involved in the investigations into the so-called "slum landlords".

Pär Lindberg of the police in Skellefteå. Archive image