Here's how the organizer is keeping Summertime safe

June 27 marks the start of Skellefteå Summertime Festival. Rumors about a record breaking attendance are circulating and therefore maintaining a secure festival is a priority. The organizer is working closely with police: We will manage it together, says Per Helmersson, Chief of police operations (polisinsatschef).

Scooter preformed at Summertime 2023.

Scooter preformed at Summertime 2023.

Foto: Per Strömbro

Engelska2024-06-26 12:00

Regarding police staffing before and during the festival, Helmersson says it will be similar to that of previous years. 

– We are working together with the organizer to provide a fun and safe festival, and we are going to use any resources available to the police, he says. 

Are you planning extra vehicle inspections or other actions related to the festival? 

– Yes, it is part of our mission as police during the festival. The main responsibility lies with the organizer, but we will work together to manage the situation.

Scooter preformed at Summertime 2023.

Helmersson will not reveal exactly how many police officers will be working during the festival but says they have staffed based on the resources they believe will be needed.

– Our goal is to have a safe event that is pleasant for everyone visiting, both families and others.

He adds that when in a crowded environment, it can be wise to be extra cautious about pickpockets. He also advises parents: 

– Like at other events, it is important for parents to be reachable by phone. You should be interested in what your teenagers are doing. Finally, he adds: 

– We hope it will be a pleasant event this year, just as it has been in previous years. 

Gunnar Karlsson, festival director, Summertime.

Gunnar Karlsson, festival director, says they have hired about 40 security guards, as well as a smaller number of guards for the daytime events. 

– We think that should be enough. 

Are visitors allowed to bring a bag into the event area? 

– No, there is a bag ban in the evening and at night from when we open the entrances at 19:00 on Friday and Saturday. This is based on a directive from NOA/National Operative Department (Nationella Operativa Avdelningen). It has been decided that at any larger events in an enclosed area are to employ a bag ban.

It will not be possible for visitors to store bags in close proximity to the festival area. 

– It says on our website that there is a bag ban, and we have received quite a lot of questions from people, so it seems our visitors are aware of the ban, Karlsson says. 

He adds that anyone who needs to carry a bag for medical reasons will be allowed to bring it in. It will then be searched by entrance personnel or security guards. 

Karlsson also says there are three performances he wants to bring special attention to: 

– Jessie J, and of course, Hooja. We were the first festival to book them in 2022, so it will be a happy reunion for our audience. Then also Molly Sandén, who is also premiering her tour with us. 

Karlsson says everything has been working well so far, every previous year that is, and he is convinced it will go well this year too. 

Cheif of Police Operations: "We are working together"

What about the weather? 

– Right now it looks like it is going to be great, 22 degrees and a light breeze. But, we can not celebrate just yet. When I wake up Friday and Saturday morning, that’s when I can celebrate, he says and adds: 

– We are also expecting an attendance record this year; ever since we released tickets, the sales have been consistently higher than last year.                                

Skellefteå Summertime

Between June 27-30, Skellefteå Summertime takes place for the third consecutive year. The festival will take place at Norvalla Sports Ground, just like it has before.

Molly Sandén, Hooja, Otto Knows, De Vet Du, Asme, John De Sohn, Linus Lee, Perzzona, and Måns Zelmerlöw will be performing at the event.