Massive thunderstorm batters Skellefteå region

On Sunday evening, a storm rolled in over parts of Västerbotten.

SMHI's radar image shows the storm moving across Norrbotten and Västerbotten at 9.45pm. Redder colors indicate heavier precipitation, and each plus sign represents a lightning strike.

SMHI's radar image shows the storm moving across Norrbotten and Västerbotten at 9.45pm. Redder colors indicate heavier precipitation, and each plus sign represents a lightning strike.

Foto: SMHI

Engelska2024-08-26 09:51

The storm brought rain and lightning to several areas. Västerbottens-Kuriren also reported hail in Ersboda, Umeå.

– There's incredible lightning over Ersmarksberget. The thunder is intense, and hail around five millimeters in diameter has fallen, reported VK's photographer Per Landfors around 9pm on Sunday evening.

Skellefteå Kraft reported power outages in Långsele, Rökå, and Rusksele due to the thunderstorm. However, power was restored to all affected areas overnight.

The storm continued in a northeasterly direction. This image is from 10:15pm
And one from 11.15pm.