Boliden Rönnskär to lay off up to 200 staff

Boliden Rönnskär reveals plans for significant lay-offs. A press release from the company indicates that as many as 200 jobs may be eliminated, attributing the decision to three critical financial pressures.

A total of 200 jobs could be lost. Currently, around 870 people are employed at the Rönnskär site.

A total of 200 jobs could be lost. Currently, around 870 people are employed at the Rönnskär site.

Foto: Lars Eriksson

Engelska2025-03-10 16:04

Boliden Rönnskär states in a press release that there are clear profitability issues and that extensive cost-saving measures are necessary. A reorganised structure aims to secure the future of operations and improve profitability. Currently, around 870 people work at the Rönnskär plant in Skelleftehamn.

– It is incredibly difficult to deliver this news today, but we must take action to secure Rönnskär’s future. We have evaluated scenarios, including centralised maintenance and a flow-oriented organisation. Ultimately, this has led us to the decision to issue layoff notices, says site manager Linn Andersson in a press release.

Union representatives have been in discussions with Boliden Rönnskär for some time. With the lay-off notice now issued, MBL negotiations will begin to determine the structure of the new organisation. Once negotiations are completed, the company will announce the number of employees affected and the division between salaried employees and unionised workers.

– I understand that this creates concern for many, and throughout the process, we will do what we can to support Rönnskär’s staff. Crisis support is available through direct managers, and where needed, we will collaborate with the municipality, the employment office, and other parties to assist affected employees.

Linn Andersson, site manager at Boliden Rönnskär since 2020.

Andersson emphasises that this is not about temporary solutions or “measures that can later revert to the way things were.”

– Boliden Rönnskär needs to implement lasting changes that make us more resilient when tough market conditions arise. We must continuously develop and improve our profitability. Simply “riding out the storm” and then continuing as usual is not an option. We need to take decisive action and achieve a sustained transformation to build a long-term profitable business—one that is attractive for investment and employment.

The company lists three main challenges: global overcapacity in the copper smelting sector, the global situation with inflation and economic fluctuations, and a shortage of raw materials on the market.

– We need to focus on the factors we can control and implement measures that have both short- and long-term impact. We have made significant progress in analysing our organisation, procurement of external goods and services, and our workflows and processes. Regarding the organisation, we now see an opportunity to streamline operations while maintaining the production capacity of our core businesses. Unfortunately, this solution also means we now have to issue lay-off notices, says Andersson.