Potentially harmful algae bloom along Skellefteå coastlines

The algae bloom has reached the Skellefteå coast. The first report was received by the County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen) on Monday, and on Wednesday morning, reports came in about observed algae bloom along the coast outside Ursviken. "With rising temperatures, we can expect more algae blooms," says Vanessa Fontana from the Västerbotten County Administrative Board.

Maria Ögren has a cottage in Sillskatan. She could smell the algae in the morning. "It smells awful" she says.

Maria Ögren has a cottage in Sillskatan. She could smell the algae in the morning. "It smells awful" she says.

Foto: Privat

Engelska2024-07-18 10:00

The algae bloom has now reached the coast outside Skellefteå. The first report of algae bloom was received by the County Administrative Board on Monday, and on Wednesday, there were reports of observed algae bloom at Sillskatan outside Ursviken.

Maria Ögren has a cottage in Sillskatan. She could smell the algae in the morning. "It smells awful" she says.

Maria Ögren has her summer cottage about twenty meters from the beach and could not help but notice the algae bloom.

– I smelled it in the morning. It’s has a disgusting smell, she says.

According to Vanessa Fontana from the Nature Conservation Unit (Naturvårdsenheten) at the Västerbotten County Administrative Board, the observations do not necessarily mean that the coast is going to be affected for the rest of the summer.

– You don't have to think that if one bloom has appeared, more are to come. Blooms can occur out at sea and then drift to the shore due to the wind, she says.

The most important factor for algae bloom is the weather. Algae like warm and calm weather, something that has been quite absent in Skellefteå so far this summer.

Algae bloom in Sillskatan.
Algae bloom in Sillskatan.
Algae bloom in Sillskatan.

According to SMHI, blooms of certain types of algae have increased in recent years.

– With rising temperatures, we can expect more algae blooms, says Vanessa Fontana.

Besides warm weather, algae thrive in water with high nutrient levels.

High nutrient levels sound like something good, why is it bad?

– Nutrients are essential for the water, but too much is harmful. The nutrients can come from people swimming, from emissions, or natural processes. If there are too many nutrients, toxic blooms can occur.

Algae blooms can be recognized by their characteristic blue-green color. It is a clear indication that it is bacteria. If the water looks murky, it is also a sign.

Algae blooms often colour the water a blue-green turqoise colour, or brown, and makes the top layer of water gritty and cloudy.

– But to know if it's a toxic algae bloom, you have to take samples, says Vanessa Fontana.

The County Administrative Board urges people to report suspected algae blooms via their website so that they can spread information about the blooms to more people.

– It is important not to swim in the water and not to let dogs drink from it. You can get really sick if it is a toxic bloom, and it is important to be vigilant and inform others in the area, says Vanessa Fontana.