Reduced prices for petrol and diesel

Leading fuel chains reduce the prices of almost all fuels.

Lite billigare att fylla tanken. Arkivbild

Lite billigare att fylla tanken. Arkivbild

Foto: Janerik Henriksson/TT

Ekonomi2023-04-18 14:37

The retail price of 95-octane unleaded gasoline has been reduced by 15 öre to 20.34 Swedish kronor per liter at staffed stations. Diesel prices have also been lowered by 15 öre, down to 21.91 kronor per liter.

The price of biodiesel (HVO100) has seen a decrease of 15 öre as well, now at 27.77 kronor per liter, while the price of ethanol (E85) has been reduced by 15 öre to 15.90 kronor per liter.

The price of vehicle gas remains unchanged.

Over half of the price of fossil fuels consists of energy tax, carbon dioxide tax, and value-added tax.

Local price variations may occur, and prices are generally lower at unmanned stations.