Unemployed should move to Skellefteå

Move to where the jobs are. The government is now demanding that Arbetsförmedlingen, the public employment service, do more to encourage the unemployed to look for work where it is available, such as in Skellefteå.

The government demands more from Arbetsförmedlingen.

The government demands more from Arbetsförmedlingen.

Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT

Ekonomi2023-12-27 10:11

Johan Pehrson (L), minister for the labor market, wants to increase the geographical mobility of job seekers.

– We have a situation in Norrbotten and Västerbotten where there is a great need for workers, he says, referring to the large green industrial developments in the north.

But these companies are having trouble finding people. At the same time, more than 400,000 people are unemployed.

Inspektionen för arbetslöshetsförsäkringen (Swedish Unemployment Insurance Inspectorate), IAF, has already criticized Arbetsförmedlingen this year for not doing enough to encourage people to move to where the jobs are. As a result, the government is now tightening the requirements for Arbetsförmedlingen, which most now  improve its work with job suggestions and guidance, says Pehrson. In the regulation letter for 2024, which governs the work of the agency, it is now stated that the employment service must do more, and that the government will also monitor progress.

– We emphasize that in the regulation letter.

He does not rule out the possibility that other regulatory changes may be needed.

The question, however, is how relocations can take place when there is such a shortage of housing in places that have seen major industrial establishments.

In places like Skellefteå, it is very difficult to find housing. Pehrson explains that there is a lot of construction going on in the new industrial towns, even though construction has now stalled due to inflation and interest rates.

– It's hard now, but Konjunkturinstitutet, the National Institute of Economic Research, recently said it will become easier, and that construction will start again.

– This is a long-term effort. Skellefteå has said that the municipality should grow by 1,000 people a year, and Luleå the same. You can't move 50,000 people all at once, says Pehrson.

How it works

An applicant who receives unemployment compensation must actively look for suitable jobs and expand his geographical and professional search area as unemployment continues.

Source: IAF