One person to hospital after accident on the E4

A one-car accident occured on Thursday morning just south of Byske.

A one-car accident occured on Thursday morning just south of Byske.

A one-car accident occured on Thursday morning just south of Byske.

Foto: Läsarbild

Byske2023-07-06 13:15

The accident alarm came in at 08:40 in the morning. It was a car that had ended up in a ditch.

– The car had skidded and come off the road, an emergency services operator stated.

The emergency services sent out several vehicles to the accident site. While the emergency services were working at the site there were disruptions to traffic including the southbound road being closed off. Just before 09:30 the traffic was back to running smoothly.

In addition to the emergency services, police and an ambulance were also called to the accident site. One person was taken to hospital with minor injuries. According to Anja Basic, healthcare coordinator at the ambulance services in Skellefteå, the injuries relate to hip pain.

On their website the police announces that there is no suspicion of crime connection to the accident.