Skebo: one apartment destroyed, several damaged

There is extensive damage to the apartment block in Byske that caught fire late Thursday night. One apartment is completely burnt out and several others have smoke damage.

The police suspect arson or general negligence endangering others' safety.

The police suspect arson or general negligence endangering others' safety.

Foto: Hans Berggren

Byske2023-08-25 11:59

The police were called to Byske shortly after 23:00 on Thursday. There have been reports of aggravated criminal threats and an attempt at aggravated assault. A few minutes later, a fire broke out in an apartment building at the same location. One person was reportedly taken to the hospital by ambulance.

The fire is suspected to be arson. A young man was arrested and held overnight. Arson, aggravated unlawful threats and attempted assault are the charges.

Skebo owns the property in question. Skebo's press contact, Anna Ersson, said the damage was extensive.

– One apartment is completely burnt out and several others have smoke damage, she said.

The apartment building houses a total of six households. Besides the completely destroyed apartment, at least two others have smoke damage and are currently uninhabitable. The exact extent of damage is still unknown.

– We've got a company onsite right now to inspect, assess and determine what needs to be done, says Ersson.

Where will the affected residents stay for the time being?

– This will be resolved in a variety of ways.

How long will they have to live elsewhere?

– It's hard to say; it depends on the extent of the damage, which is currently under investigation.

Do you know how the fire started?

"No, I don't."