Skebo is building two new apartment buildings

Byske is set to see the construction of a new apartment building, marking the first of its kind in several years. The building is being crafted using traditional casting techniques and construction commenced in February.

Work has started on the second floor, notes project manager Alexandra Miller from Skebo, when she visits the construction site.

Work has started on the second floor, notes project manager Alexandra Miller from Skebo, when she visits the construction site.

Foto: Yvonne Rönngren

Byske2023-04-18 10:34

The neighboring Skebo houses were built in 1992, and perhaps were the last ones to be built in the community. However, the ripple effects of Northvolt's establishment have reached Byske, located 30 kilometers away from Skellefteå.

As a result, Skebo is constructing two more buildings on its existing plot. While the detailed plan allowed for the construction of three floors, the company decided to limit itself to two.

The old blocks, built in brick and in an imposing style, are characteristic of their time.

According to Alexandra Miller, project manager at Skebo, the company consulted the building permit department regarding whether they should replicate the style of the old houses or opt for a complete break in style. The recommendation was to change the style, and therefore the new buildings will feature wooden facades treated with iron vitriol. Over time, they will acquire a grayish hue that will blend in with the natural surroundings.

The roof between the first and second floors is ready and Olov Mannberg, Contractor, can remove the formwork.

After being given the chance to propose their preferred method of construction, the contract for the new apartment buildings in Byske was eventually awarded to Contractor. The company decided to utilize traditional on-site casting techniques, which are currently underway and being carried out by a team of six workers.

– "Our goal is to have the roof in place by the end of May, and then we will focus on completing the exterior walls and ensuring the building is weather-tight," said site manager Andreas Burlin. "After that, we will move on to interior work."

The apartments are expected to be ready for occupancy in early 2024. A total of 24 units will be constructed, consisting of two- and three-room apartments.

Site manager Andreas Burlin inside a future apartment on the first floor. The roof is still being held up with struts after casting.

– We have already heard that several people are interested in living here. It will be of a higher standard than the houses nearby with a dishwasher and washing machine in each apartment, says Alexandra Miller.

A pleasant outdoor environment will be created as part of the construction project, with plans to refurbish the existing outdoor spaces of the older Skebo houses.

The old blocks were built in 1992 and then the housing market collapsed. Hardly anyone thought that more would be built on this plot of land.
Alexandra Miller from Skebo visits the construction site. In the background you can see the existing brick houses in the area.
Alexandra Miller from Skebo visits the construction site. In the background you can see the existing brick houses in the area.